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By- thatonechicklexi

Summary: (none)

Kevin sighed as the elevator doors closed and his co-workers stood as if they were statues. His green eyes scanned them and he couldn't help but dread the ride, wishing to get off and just take the stairs. A slight smile grew on his face as he thought of how Eddward would react to them. A soft laugh left his lips and Kevin reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell and sending a text to his boyfriend.

[co-workers are puppets. ] [Thinking of you makes it better.]


No longer than a second did he get a reply;

[Stay strong, Pumpkin ] [I love you, too]


Kevin smiled gleefully at the texts and sent another before getting off the elevator.

[I love you most.] [I'll get some take away before I get home.]


[sounds awesome, Pumpkin. See you at home.]


At lunch Kevin was eating in the break room, chewing the last bite of the sandwich Edd had made him.

"Afternoon, Kevin!" Lee, a woman who worked in marketing, said as she sat next to him, setting out her bento.

"Hello, Kelly." Kevin smiled pleasantly, fiddling with the ring Edd had given him back in high school.

The red-head looked at him questioningly, her grayish eyes peering at the ring. "Whos the lucky gal?" she whispered, a mischievous smile on her lips.

Kevin frowned, "What?" he asked, blinking. Lee noted his confusion and gestured to the ring with a perfectly manicured hand. Kevin laughed, "Oh no, my boyfriend gave it to me when we were in school." Kevin smiled warmly at the memory.

Lee took a moment. "Wait, you're… gay?" she blerted.

Kevin flushed. "Well… yes." he winced slightly at her face. "I'll be going to my cubical now…"

Kevin was snuggled closed to Eddward as they watched a romcom on cable. Kevin yawned and looked up at Edd only to find the other staring at him Kevin's face flushed and a laugh bubbled from his lips.

Whatever Edd was going to say was cut off as the home phone started ringing. Kevin leaped up and snatched up the phone. "Barr-Vincent home, Kevin speaking!"

"Hey, Kev, it's Nazz! Miss you baby! I called to talk to Edd, can ya hand over the phone?" Kevin grinned at hearing his friend blab.

"Yeah, sure! Miss you too, Nazz!" Kevin tossed the phone to Edd whom caught it easily.

"Salutations, Nazz. Can I ask why you're calling so late?... I see… Well then… Can you fix it?... Hum?... No he doesn't." Edd blew a kiss to Kevin who blushed from his spot in the kitchen. "A size five… Yes I am sure, Nazz… Thank you, you're the best… Of course… Bye, and sleep tight… 'muah' to you too, Nazz." Edd hung up with a chuckle as he stood to place the phone back in its stand.

Kevin curiously looked up at Edd. "What was that about, Double-D?"

Edd shook his head, nudging Kevin's old QuizBowl hat, which Kevin stubbornly put on when he came home mopy with tai food, and pulled him close. "Now if I told you that, then it would ruin the surprise."

Kevin tilted his head and smiled. "Surprise? Tell me!"

"What is the point of a surprise?" Edd asked, bending down to kiss Kevin's cheeks.

Rev!Kevedd One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now