
1.9K 58 3

By- BuddahtheBob

Summary: in•can•des•cence
the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised
There were so many things registering in his mind at once.

Searing pain, coming from the way his arm was unnaturally twisted behind his back and being forcefully held in place.

The sordid stench of tuna and onion, wafting from a mouth known for its foul language and foul tastes.

The gritty feeling of the brick wall he was up against, which was getting waaay more familar with him than he ever wanted it to. Seriously, his cheeks were going to turn into Swiss cheese at this rate.

But the biggest thing that registered, the only thing that stuck out as being worthy of his attention, was the sight of Eddward's dog tags dangling not from the safety of his grasp but in the grasp of one of Peach Creek's Finest. A football player, if the ample physique and letterman jacket was anything to go by.

Eddward was away on an IB Chemistry field trip, and since he knew that he would be around hazardous chemicals all day he had entrusted his beloved dog tags to another's care. Usually his tags were given to Marie for safekeeping but today had brought about a surprising change. Today, instead of the tags being placed into a soft, slender hand with painted black nails, the tags instead found themselves placed into a calloused, broad hand with faint oil stains. A hand that trembled slightly with the meaning of this gesture but squeezed the tags fondly and held them close.

Kevin could hardly believe it. It was a huge step forward in their relationship. Hell, it was a huge step forward for Eddward himself. The boy thrived on routine and procedure, and to trust someone else with his belongings, precious belongings at that, was a sign of substantial personal growth. Something Eddward had been adamant on developing ever since he and Kevin began dating.

Kevin had felt a bit silly for his awkwardly giddy behavior, but he would bet his father's jawbreaker factory that Eddward shared the same shy sentiment, especially from the look on his face when Kevin's fingers happened to linger on Eddward's for a second longer than needed.

It almost felt like he had been proposed to, in a way.

All of this came back and seemed to intensify Kevin's panic as full comprehension of what was happening finally hit him.

The tags, so well-loved yet still pristine and polished, tinkled as they delicately swayed in the jock's burly hands. "M and F? Who the hell pays the money to get engraved dog tags just for two dumb letters? Whatsit even stand for? Moron and Fag?" The jock all but spat, but Kevin hardly heard him as his eyes stayed glued on the tags. All of a sudden they seemed as fragile as glass, and Kevin couldn't decide what was more dangerous; risking breaking the chain by seizing the tags back or letting the jock manhandle the tags in his brutish hands.

Not liking the lack of response to his taunts the jock grinded Kevin's face into the wall with more force, exposing the tender skin of Kevin's lips to the grating texture. Only concerned for Eddward's tags, Kevin kept quiet, hoping that if he was complicit enough that the bully would grow bored and the tags would be returned. Unfortunately, the luck didn't seem to be on his side. Rather, a large and thuggish jock was. Finally realizing where the other's attention was focused, the jock lifted the tags up to look at them thoughtfully, jingling them for emphasis.

"Y'know, even though the letters are a lame ass touch, these are some nice dog tags. I think my purebred Rottweiler will be happy to get them for an early birthday present."

As the jock reached toward his jacket's pocket to deposit the tags, Kevin's mind went blank.

He felt an inferno rage in his heart.

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