Storm Effect

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Summary: Edd sniggered, walking backward & pulling him toward the door, Edd's fingers hooked in Kevin's belt loops. "You think to much Pumpkin." He whispered in his ear.
It was pouring rain and Edd was trudging home from the library. As much as liked to deny, and even scorn the idea, the silence of his house really did get to him at times. It was cold and eerie...

The light rain was soon turning heavy and vicious. Edd started jogging, glad he'd left his books in his locker. Finally reaching his doorway, he paused before going in. It was hard sometimes, constantly being alone.

Edd sighed and shifted his jacket to grab his keys. A flash of ginger caught the corner of his eye. He turned just in time to see little Kevin running for home, still several blocks away. Edd smirked, leaning against the now open door frame. "Hey, Pumpkin!" He hollered, enjoying the way the boy froze and turned in fear.

Kevin looked up and gulped. Edd leaned against his door with an amused expression. He felt his face warm and his hands start to shake. "Hello Eddward." He called back shakily. He blushed harder, hearing the boy chuckle.

"Why don't you come up here and out of the rain, carrot top?" He asked, although it sounded more like an order. Kevin looked up, getting a face full of water. "N-No I'm f-fine." He sputtered, wiping water off his glasses. In all honesty, Kevin wanted nothing more than to run into the dry house full speed. His house was still a few blocks away. He was cold, wet, tired, and hungry.

The only problem was... It was Eddward Vincent's house. The boy that cornered him in the hall just to steal his hat or snatch a book. The boy that made his heart pound in a way it wasn't supposed too..All in all, Edd was intimidating.

Edd watched the boys internal struggle for several seconds, growing irritated. Finally, he strode over to the distracted boy and hooked his fingers in Kevin's belt loops. The ginger looked up, startled. Edd sniggered, walking backward while pulling him toward the house.

"Honestly Pumpkin, you think to much." He whispered in his ear. To say Kevin was surprised would be the understatement of the century. Edd was sneaky, sarcastic, and rough, but never an outright flirt! Especially to men!

Before Kevin could fully process what was happening, he was inside the one house in the neighborhood, he feared. He felt himself being pushed roughly against the closed door and flushed. Edd smiled darkly. "Now was that so hard?" He whispered. Kevin gulped in response.

Edd felt his heart beat a little faster, having Kevin so close to him... Alone. He pushed himself away, never losing his simper. "Relax copper top. I'm not gonna 'hurt' you." He stressed the second to last word.

Kevin felt his heart pound against his chest. As much as he hated it, he found the bad-boy attractive. It really was cliché. The nerd having a 'thing' for the cool kid... Kevin trained his eyes on the ground, willing the color to fade from his face. "OK..." He breathed shakily.

Edd watched the boy blushed hotly at their approximation. He smiled, satisfied. "Soda?" He turned toward the kitchen. Kevin hesitated and looked at the door. He told himself to grab the knob. When his hand didn't move, he scolded himself.

'What are you even doing here?' He mentally demanded. 'Eddward is a bully! Don't fall for it. Just leave. Leave now. He won't have a chance of chasing you down.' But would Eddward chase him down anyway? Even if he was in the room? Kevin liked to imagine so...

"You better not be trying to run Pun'kin. I'll drag you right back." Came a threatening yell from the kitchen. Kevin felt his heart stop. His hand froze, finally touching the brass handle. "Get your ass in here, ginger!" Kevin took his hand from the door, fighting the smile that threatened to show. "OK, OK... Coming." He grumbled half-heartedly.

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