Treading Water

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Summary:Just a normal day to ask out Eddward...wait-what?
They were like transparent wings, the way those arms broke the surface and arched overhead, bringing a slew of water with them. They dove back in and came around again like pedals on a bike, mechanical in their timing and rhythm, yet fluid in their form. The legs, only half as hypnotizing in their grace, were obscured by the whitewash of water constantly disturbed by how powerfully they kicked. And after every stroke, one could see the face of the machine in question, swallowing much needed air every time his mouth broke its kiss with the current.

It was difficult to tell from where Kevin was lurking (standing with half of your body hidden behind the door wasn't exactly normal after all), but said swimmer was definitely Edd. Of course, giving him the simple title of "swimmer" wasn't exactly correct, being the captain of the team and whatnot, as well as a daily tormentor for the short, ginger kid himself. Lately, however, the shameless ridiculing and power noogies had dwindled to the point where even name-calling seemed almost... endearing? The familiar sound of crinkling paper that had been sneakily taped to his back was now a distant memory. And the smug grins that Edd normally threw at him in the hallways had suddenly melted into nothing. Even eye contact was scarce. To be honest, Kevin figured the taller boy had finally gotten bored with him. It was like a blessing from the heavens, or at least it would be if it didn't bother the red head so much. Thus, the reason for him being here at the school's pool - to ask in a casual manner if anything might be troubling the swim captain. He wasn't getting very far by concealing himself in the shadows, though.

Edd was making his way back across the pool towards the side closest to the exit. Kevin took a deep breath. 'It's okay, Kev. You got this. It's not like he's gonna dunk your head underwater or something. You just want to ask him a question is all. No harm there!' He finally breathed out as the captain slapped a hand onto the pool's concrete edge and righted himself, chest heaving from the new record he'd just set.

'Okay, just get it over with.'

Kevin pushed the door open all the way and entered the facility. He didn't mean to walk as briskly as he did, but his feet had a mind of their own. The soles of his shoes were so soft against the textured flooring that his senior hadn't even noticed him come in until Kevin spoke out.

"Um, Edd?" His voice echoed through the empty space, making him cringe at its volume.

The swimmer took off his goggles and let them snap into place on his head, blinking a couple of times before answering the voice that had called out to him. "... Kevin?" He squinted to make sure it was indeed who he thought it was.

Kevin had broken into a full on sprint without realizing. "Edd! I just wanted to--"

At first he thought it was his vertigo kicking in, which tended to happen whenever the boy felt anxious or disoriented, but no sooner had the squeak of his shoe against the slick surface alerted him of the danger that Kevin's face came into contact with the ground along with the rest of his gangly body. The crushing weight of the textbook-filled backpack hadn't really helped in his moment of clumsiness either.

"Ow..." he mewled.

The swim captain just floated there, having seen the entire incident unfold before his eyes without a single twitch. Was this kid for real? Dear lord...

He sighed, exhausted from his swim. "Don't you have any concept of frictional properties on a wet surface?" Placing both hands on the pool's edge, he hoisted himself up with ease, water cascading off his form as he emerged.

Any pain Kevin was experiencing was momentarily muted by the sight of the swimmer's body pulsating as those lean muscles worked to put him back on solid ground. Even more eye-catching were the tight black swimming shorts that hugged the precipice of Edd's hips like a latex glove. They weren't the same bikini style bottoms the whole team used during practice, but it was after school and Edd was the only one in the natatorium. Perhaps the shorts were more comfortable?

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