Shark Out of Water~

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By- Katiechu

Summary: (none)

WARNING: Smut, smut, smut, smut, smut, and smut.
"E-Edd, I'm not so sure this is the right place." The ginger stammered as he took shaky steps backwards. A thud sounded as his back met the paint chipped surface of the gym lockers, chills ran up his spine at his entrapment. The taller teen closed the space between them completely, placing his elbows on either side of the smaller boys head. Kevin gulped heavily as Edd wedged one of his long limbs between his own, forcing them apart. A small smirk tugged at the raven haired teens lips as Kevin shut his eyes tightly, a red tint grew deeper on his face making his freckles more prominent.

The ginger had come to the lockers rooms in search on his Algebra textbook, having found it missing after Trivia club. Unfortunately he had gone into the locker room to look for it just as a certain swimmer was finishing his evening laps, successfully throwing himself into a small tank with a hungry shark.

"It's hardly ever an appropriate time if we follow your standards." The raven haired boy replied in a soft mew. Edd ran one hand on Kevin's inner thigh while the other took to pulling the red face of the shorter teen upwards. Kevin gave a heavy sigh as he gave into the lanky boy and relaxed his weight against the cool metal, his body sagging onto the support the other boy was providing.

"Surrendering already are we?" The taller teen teased as he held him against the lockers. Warm lips descended onto Kevin, drawing a light gasp from him. The water that still sat on Edd's pale skin began to seep into Kevin's vest as his tongue slipped out to caress the shorter teens, a soft bite to the gingers lower lip made him to arch his back against his assailant.

The smaller boys moans fell from his lips and into the taller teens mouth, his clothes growing damper with each second their chests remained pressed together. His cheeks flushed as he opened his eyes and attempted to use his peripherals to scan the locker room, assuring himself of their solitude.

"I was about to take a shower, would you care to join me?" The swimmer asked, sounded more demanding than questioning. Edd took a step back from the shorter teen and gave a beckoning tug to the soggy fabric of his vest.

"Do I really have a choice?" The shorter rasped out as he tried to pull the hold on his clothes from the taller teen. An annoyed crossed over his face as his thoughts cleared "And what if we get caught? I guess both of us should just get expelled then."

"I would be so sure as to make the assumption that most of the students have already gone home, those that haven't have no need of the locker room." Edd replied as his pulls became more forceful "There's a private stall I'm always quite lonely in, it would be nice if you would accompany me." The swimmer teased as he pulled the teen along.

"I still don't-"

"For me, Pumpkin?" The lanky teen interrupted, letting his hold on Kevin's clothes go slack in his hands. The gingers face flushed as his eyes traced down Edd's slim form. The athlete only wore a tight jet black pair of swimming briefs and a deep red swim cap, his muscles were slick with pool water and he smelled reminiscently of chlorine. Finals had been the previous week so Kevin would admit he hadn't gotten to spend time recently with the raven haired teen, both of them busy with studying and club activity. The bulge in his pants tightened to remind him of its presence, his body begging to be touched after a week of negligence.

Kevin let out a shaky sigh as he relieved his dead weight, allowing the other teen to lead him by his collar towards the shower stalls. After what felt like being dragged for minutes, which he knew in reality had been just mere seconds, the thin boy found himself looking at the tile covered floors of the shower section. The taller teen pulled Kevin in a few feet before he released his hold on him.

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