First Date

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By- demonicwolfgirl

Summary: Their friends are sick and tired of it all. Nazz and Nat finally decide to get Kevin to ask Eddward out, stopping this little dance.
Eddward and Kevin had been doing this dance for awhile now, neither of them seeming to what to confess about their feelings. However the swimmer had started bullying the redheaded dork a lot less lately.

Marie, Nazz and even Nat was getting tired of the dance the two where doing. It needed to come to an end already. "Kevin Anderson, you are going to go ask out Eddward this instant. Nat, Marie and I are all tired of you doing this dance of yours." Nazz said as she pushed her best friend towards where Eddward's locker was."

"Nazz, I don't know what-" He said before he was pushed into Eddward. His eyes widened as he looked up at the swimmer before looking to see the blonde run away. Kevin gulped as he looked back up at the other.

Eddward looked down at the redhead. "What do you want?" He asked closing his locker shut as he stared the other down.

Kevin opened his mouth before he ended up shutting it again. The redhead bit down on his lip. "I was wondering if you would like to go the fair with me tomorrow." He said as he looked back up at the swim captain.

Eddward raised an eyebrow at this words before grinning. "Are you asking me out on a date, Pumpkin?"

Kevin blushed at what the brunette said. "Forget it." He said starting turn around when Eddward grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, I didn't say no did I?" The jock said to the other. "We aren't going to take your bike though. There is no way I'm going to ride that metal death trap." Eddward said to the redhead.

Kevin's cheeks turned red at the fact he actually had a date with Eddward. He couldn't believe it. Eddward had actually accepted his proposal to go to the fair for a date.

"What time should I come over?" Eddward asked Kevin, staring down at the redhead. "Since you are the one that asked me out after all."

"Would 6PM be fine?" Kevin asked the other.

"That would be fine. I will see you then, Pumpkin." Eddward said before walking away.

Saturday Night, 6PM

Eddward stood in front of his closet with a towel around his waist, having just finished with his shower. He had no clue what to wear. The brunette groaned as he pulled on his hair. Why was he so worried about what he was going to wear? They were just going to a fair. He sighed as he went to his drawers and grabbed some black skinny jeans on. Edd looked through his closet again looking for a shirt. He decided on a Doctor Who TARDIS t-shirt that he had gotten from Hot Topic last week with Marie.

He grabbed his hat, placing it on his head along with his dog tags and jacket. He didn't go anywhere without those three things.

The brunette made his way across the street to Kevin's house. His car was currently parked outside his own house. Eddward stood on the front porch and rang the doorbell. He placed his hands in his pockets waiting for Kevin to open it, instead he was greeted by Mrs. Anderson.

"Hello Eddward. I haven't seen you in a long time. Is there anything I can help you with?" Mrs. Anderson asked the brunette with a smile.

The woman obviously didn't realize he was there to pick up Kevin. "I'm here to pick up Kevin. We are going to the fair together." Eddward told her.

Mrs. Anderson blinked at Eddward. "Oh, I thought he had a date with some girl from the way he had been acting." She laughed before letting the brunette in. "I'll go tell Kevin that you are here."

Eddward sighed. That had been extremely awkward. He waited patiently for the redhead to come downstairs.

"I'm sorry for making you wait, Eddward. I had a hard time trying to find what I was looking for." Kevin said walking over to him.

Eddward blinked at what the redhead was wearing. "You still have that?" He asked surprised, seeing the green hoodie that the redhead had worn when they were children.

Kevin looked down at what he was wearing. He was wearing blue jeans and a green hoodie underneath his hoodie he had thrown on a random t-shirt. The redhead looked back up. "Yes, I do. It still fits me and it's comfy."

Eddward chuckled. "Whatever you say, let's get going." The brunette said taking his keys out of his pocket as Kevin told his mom they were leaving.

The Fair, 7PM

Kevin and Eddward had been at the fair for around an hour. They had gone on several rides, the Tilt-A-Whirl, the Fireball, the Bumper Cars and the UFO. They were walking past one of the games when Kevin stopped, the brunette turned around to see the redhead staring at the stuffed shark.

Sighing, he walked over to the man in charge of the game and paid him after looking everything over. It was a balloon popping game. He was given a couple of darts and he hit a balloon with every single one of them. The person there of course was shocked before asking what he wanted. Eddward pointed to the stuffed shark before walking over to Kevin and handing it to him. "Here."

Kevin's eyes went wide before he took the shark and smiled. "Thanks Eddward." He said squeezing the toy shark.

"You're welcome, Pumpkin." The brunette said with a small blush on his cheeks. "Do you want to get something to eat?"

Kevin looked up at the swim captain. "Yes." The nerd said as they walked to the food court, all the way squeezing the toy shark.

Eddward started getting jealous on the way there. Shouldn't he be doing that to him? Not the stuffed shark. After all he was the one that had won it for the redhead. When they arrived he asked what Kevin wanted, he knew there wasn't anything healthy at a fair. It was just so many calories.

Once they had their two sodas, chili cheese fries and corn dogs they went to find a seat where they ate quietly. After a couple of minutes of seeing the shark still in the redhead's lap, he grabbed Kevin and brought him into his own lap. "I'm not sure you thanked me properly earlier." Eddward said to the redhead in his lap.

Kevin wiggled a bit in the others lap, his face a bit flushed. He bit his bottom lip before he tilted his head up to kiss the brunette's lips. They stayed like that for awhile before he pulled away.

Eddward smirked as he held the nerd in his lap. "That's better."
This is personally not my top favorite but it's pretty good :)

Sorry that I haven't updated, I've been working on another book (It's a House_Owner x Reader Book called Your Too Kind) that I haven't even published yet...

But I promise that I will try (keyword: try) to update every Saturday or Sunday.

Oh well See ya RSs,

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