Chapter one

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"Katherine, back straight."

"Yes mother." Katherine answered obediently as she straightened her back, allowing the maids to poke and pull at her hair. It was a nuisance, really. But it must be done. A lady must never complain.

"Stick your bosom out, darling."

Katherine did as she was told, failing to hide to slight grimace which took over her face. What was she supposed to stick out?

"Excellent. Leslie, I believe a bit more powder would do well." Savannah, Lady Atkins, said to the maid.

"Mother, do you not think the powder is enough?" Katherine questioned tentatively. She could almost see the powder layered on her face when she looked straight.

"Hold your tongue, child." Savannah said sharply, her pert nose flaring at her daughter's daring.

Katherine bit her tongue, looking down at her interlaced fingers. She shouldn't have spoken out of turn. She should have known by now it caused more harm than good. And yet, she always tried.

"Head up!" Savannah snapped. She had to tell her everything! The girl would never be able to attain a husband, and if she did, all he would do was beat her.

Katherine lifted her head.

The maids finished her hair as well as her face. Katherine let out a small sigh as they all left. She was awfully tired, but a lady did not show emotion. She simply did what was required of her, if she was tired or ill, so be it. It was not fitting for a lady to display any amount of emotion. That much she had mastered.

"Now, I want you to listen very closely." Savannah began.

"We have been invited to Lord Rivers' estate for a ball. We shall remain there for a fortnight. Do your father and me a favor and catch the attention of a rich lord."

Katherine said nothing, tears slightly stinging her eyes. Her mother's loathing was tangible. And she knew not what she had done.

"Katherine!" Her mother snapped, not liking to be ignored.

"I will try, mother."

"I have made low cut gowns for you. You are not to talk to any of the gentlemen, it is not the behavior of a lady. Only speak when spoken to, and that as well, keep very minimal. We cannot have them seeing how foolish you are."

"I understand." Katherine's voice held a resignation of one who simply did not understand their own value.

Savannah stared at her daughter for a moment longer before leaving the room. Once she had left, and Katherine was alone in her chambers, she let out a tired breathe.

She was to catch the eye of a rich lord. She was not pretty, by far. How was she supposed to catch the interest of a rich lord, let alone any lord? She thought of her dull green eyes as well as her freckled face. She had arid, fair hair, a nose which was far too small on her face with eyes which were far too large. A sprinkle of freckles covered her too small nose as well as her cheeks. Her mother despised her freckles, which is what the powder was used for, to hide her embarrassing freckles. They were marks, flaws.

Her mother was beautiful, her father handsome, no one understood what had happened to her. She should have been gorgeous, but instead she was plain. A fact her mother did not try to hide.

But it mattered not. As long as a woman could act like a proper lady, run the estate, bear her husband's heirs, she would make a good wife. And that is what Katherine had to concentrate on, becoming a good wife. Nothing else mattered. She wouldn't take a lover as her parents so often did. She would be quite happy if her husband left her to her own devices. That is, if she managed to attain one.

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