Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen

"How the devil do you control yourself?" Jonathan growled as he paced his chambers. He had tried going down to the village to mayhap get some relief, but to no avail. No wench seemed appeasing enough and he mayhap, possibly, slightly, very slightly, perhaps, though he highly doubted it, may have felt some guilt in doing the deed. Jonathan cussed again.
If he hadn't been feeling guilty, he had been comparing all the wench's to a certain dainty female he knew.

Edward smirked in his friend's direction, not offering much help.

"Tis called the power of will, which you are sorely lacking, my poor chap."

Jonathan scowled.

"My will is strong, I have gone a whole year without fulfilling my desires."

Edward pretended to yawn. "Merely a year? T'was not a long time. Try six plus years."

Jonathan winced. "That is what I want to understand, how?"

Edward looked at Jonathan for a moment, contemplating whether he should inform his friend or not, although he should already understand.

"Tis a small matter called love."

Jonathan's scowl deepened while Edward continued to talk.

"I love Annabelle, and I shan't lay with another woman, her kisses would have to suffice. Mind you, I wouldn't have to wait so long if it weren't for you." Edward added, his mood turning sour.

"My apologies...I understand it can be quite difficult...and hard." Jonathan smirked.


Jonathan took a bow.

"When are you two to wed?"

"Seeing as Annabelle doesn't want to steal the moment away from you and our Pastry, after the two of you are wed." Edward answered accusingly.

"That's preposterous." Jonathan barked, his brows knitting together. Edward and Annabelle deserved to be wed, they shouldn't be waiting for him, shouldn't had to.

"That's Annabelle." Edward grumbled, his eyes glazing over slightly as he thought of his love.

"In my humble opinion you should have wed already."

"Give over, Jonathan." Edward growled in warning.

Jonathan held his tongue, opting for a different technique as his mind began to spin.

"At least tell me you had her wedding dress made."

"No need, she wanted to wear her mother's wedding dress. I had the dress altered to fit her as well as tweaked the designs. Tis ready." Edward smiled as he recalled the dress.

Jonathan smiled, his eyes shining with warmth.

"Her mother's? Tis at Davidson's castle then?"

"Nay, tis at Dracmore."

The two stayed silent, lost in thought for but a moment before returning to the matter at hand.

"Tis alright, Johnny, I understand it can be quite difficult and... Hard. But you shall bear through it." Edward smirked.

Before Jonathan could retort, there was a quick knock on his door followed by it opening.

"I didn't say you could enter."

"I need not your permission, I've cleaned your backside." Albert answered as he walked in the room carrying a try.

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