chapter five

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   "You did this?"


"By yourself?" Jonathan sounded astounded.

"Of course, did you think me incapable, my lord?"  Katherine questioned indignantly. The nerve of the lout! She wasn't daft, simply illiterate.

"Of course not, Kitten." Jonathan hastily assured, "I was merely taken aback, this does not look like a beginner's penmanship." Jonathan muttered as his eyes still took in the paper with awe.

   Katherine's ears reddened at the compliment. "Thank you, my lord. May we continue please?" Katherine requested, slightly uncomfortable with the praise.

"Aye, certainly. When did you practice this?"

"Every chance I was given. My maid, Bertha, would often say I am a fast learner." Katherine smiled as she thought of what else her maid did for her.

Jonathan nodded absently, still fascinated with the paper before him. He had arrived in her bedchambers to see her back towards him, and her head down, as she worked. He was amazed that she was awake, so amazed in fact, it took him a moment to realize she had become aware of his presence. Instead of being lectured on the rules of propriety, she had excitedly shown him her work. That was a good ten minutes or so ago, he still stood rooted to his position, staring at her penmanship which was perfection. The chit was a fast learner indeed.

  Jonathan cleared his throat, mayhap he could teach her ten letters today. He said as much to her.

"That would be lovely, my lord." Katherine beamed as her enormous eyes sparkled with joy. Jonathan blinked once, and then twice more before offering her a smile of his own. The sun showed her glorious sprinkle of freckles in a new light. She had a certain beauty to her that he hadn't noticed earlier.

"Lock the door, Kitten, and then we shall begin. How are you fairing today?"

Katherine did as she was told, answering along the way. "I am well, my lord, I thank you for asking."

Jonathan sat on the chair, quill in hand as he began the lesson. The sooner he began, the sooner he would be done. He didn't need another run in with her mother.


"Mother, do you not think this color is too bold?"

Savannah glanced at the deep red dress before snapping impatiently, "Tis not bold. You would hardly attract the attention of Lord Abbot if you were wearing pastel colors."

Katherine held in a grimace as Leslie pulled her hair. A lady must never complain, but she felt as if her hair was being ripped from her skull.

   "It would do you well to follow my instructions today."

Katherine suppressed a sigh. "Aye mother."

"And what were my instructions exactly?' Savannah probed.

"When we are to arrive in the field for the archery contest I am to stand next to Lord Abbot and make certain I aim perfectly."

"It would do you well to act accordingly."

Katherine nodded her head.

"I-"  Savannah paused as she walked towards Katherine's bed.

  "What is that smell?"

"Tis peppermint, m'lady, her furs and linens are full with the scent." Leslie was quick to answer.

Katherine felt her insides fill with dread. At times it seemed Leslie disliked her a great deal more than her mother. Surely it wasn't necessary for her to say something?

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