Chapter nine

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"Edward." Annabelle shook him, trying hard to wake him. The man slept like the dead.


"Hmm." Edward mumbled before turning on his side, his arm seeking out Annabelle. Annabelle smiled deviously before moving off the bed, out of reach. Perhaps a new strategy was in order. Edward continued to search for Annabelle, his dark brows furrowing together. His movements only increased as he did not fond the warm body which he sought. Ever so slowly, his eyes opened, blinking twice before closing only to remain open the third time.

"Annabelle, darling?" Edward sat up in bed, trying to peer through the darkness,

"Finally." Annabelle mumbled before taking a seat.

"Is there something amiss, love?" Edward asked worriedly as he finally found her hand and intertwined their fingers. It was odd time of night, why was she awake? Was Jonathan alright?

"Aye, may you go to the kitchens and bring for me bread and cheese."

Edward's mind slowly processed her words. It was the dead of the night and she wanted food.

"Are you hungry?"

"Nay, I want bread and cheese. No, actually, I want apples. Can you bring me apples please?"

"Annabelle." Edward groaned, not at all pleased. He had been awoken, for all things, apples. Apples!

"Ask a servant."

Annabelle rolled her eyes in the dark. "They're all fast asleep, twill be rude to rise them for an apple."

"And tis not rude to rise me for an apple?" Edward grumbled, trying in vain to lay back down.

"Nay." Annabelle answered nonchalantly.

"I'm not leaving my bed." Edward turned on his side, the linens covering his face.

Annabelle's eyes narrowed, the audacious brute! "This is my bed, therefor you must leave."

Edward snorted. "Tis our bed, love. I'm not going anywhere."

"Edward, I want an apple." Annabelle pleaded. An apple sounded heavenly. She could almost taste its sweetness, the juices which would fill her mouth, not to mention the slight crunch when she bit into it. She could almost smell them. She wanted apples, now.

"And I want sleep."

"Wonderful. You may bring me my apple and then you can sleep."

"Annabelle, why do you want a bloody apple in the middle of the night?" Edward growled, sitting up and facing Annabelle. He could just about make out her face. The way she frowned before answering with an innocence which beguiled him, making it difficult to breathe let alone speak. By God, he was bewitched. His heart was never his to begin with.

"Because I want one? They're so sweet and..." Annabelle trailed off as she imagined eating her apple.

"Edward, I want an apple. Please go to the kitchens and get me one."

Edward groaned, not wanting to go, he was so very comfortable.

"I'll give you a kiss." Annabelle bribed when Edward continued to stare at her.

He grinned devilishly, his mind creating a devious scenario. "Not a kiss, tons of kisses, until we're both breathless."

"Do you not think you are being greedy, my lord?" Annabelle arched a brow, her full lips tilting slightly at the corners.

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