Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter nineteen

  "You like horses?" Edward's gaze was cool and calculating as he stared at the woman before him.

  "Yes, my lord. When I said they're a wonder, it would indicate I like them."

  "I see. I have a mind to take you on your offer."  Edward's shrewd gaze noticed how she stiffened before offering him a sultry smile.

  "I made you many a offers tonight, my lord. Which one do you desire?"

  Edward took a step closer, nearly brushing against her, as he whispered in her ear. "The most indecent offer you have to offer." All the while his hand crept along her side, then towards her back before firmly pushing her body against his.

  Annabelle briefly froze before offering a smirk. She titled her head back as she raised her arms to come around his neck, her fingers interlacing with his hair, as she gently tugged his raven locks. Her heart beat at tattoo in her chest, while her eyes stung with tears. Mercifully, they were hidden behind her mask. Even then, her charade continued. After all, she had gotten herself in this mess, she supposed she deserved it. In a sick, perverse way, she deserved it. She expected her heart to ache were Edward ever to betray her, but Annabelle had never imagined it would have felt like someone had tore it out of the captivity of her chest.

   "Thoughts of your wife and loyalty have been so easily traded, my lord?"
  Edward noticed the way her lips quivered slightly as she spoke. So slightly, if it were anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed.
    Sarding hell! If they were married he would have tortured her in another way, but he couldn't play a charade of deception. Even if it were to get even with his wench.
   Edward titled her head upwards as his fingers tangled in her wig. He brought his mouth upon hers rather harshly, not giving her the opportunity to think, or even refuse, his advances. His tongue sought her mouth without permission.
    She tried to resist him at first, but when it came to him, her body had a mind of its own. Easily succumbing to his will.  Annabelle melted against him, kissing him with as much vigor as he kissed her.
    By Nora! The man was a good kisser. His tongue dueled with hers, before finally bitting her lip gently, urging her to cease the fight.
    While he kissed her, Edward worked on removing the wretched wig from her hair. He wanted to see her dark tresses, not straw.
   Slowly, his kiss became less urgent and punishing. His lips covered hers softly, sucking on her bottom lip before biting down gently.
   Annabelle moaned quietly, silently urging him.
    Edward chuckled as he gave her mouth one last kiss. Before kissing her right cheek, then left, as he moved his head back enough to remove her mask and wig. Then he kissed her eyelids one at a time. Edward straightened as he wiped the moisture from her right eye.
    "Don't play with fire, wife. You only get burned."
    Annabelle slowly opened her eyes to a smug Edward.
    "You hadn't known it was me until the very end." Annabelle replied haughtily.

  Edward chuckled as he pushed her inside an empty stall. He sat on the hay while Annabelle sat atop Edward.
   "What makes you so certain, my love?" His eyes crinkled at the corners as a soft smile played upon his lips. Subconsciously, one hand rubbed her back while the other rested on her inner thigh. While Annabelle's arms loosely rested around his neck

   Her golden orbs narrowed into thin slits, watching him with faux anger.

   "You were being quite rude when I had first approached you."

   "Well, I had to continue your ridiculous charade."

   "You lie."

  "Aye, I do."

   They both watched each other silently.

   "Give over." Annabelle whispered. She could feel the slight tremble that ran through her lover's body.

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