Chapter twelve

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   Savannah's long nails dug into her tender flesh as she watched Rivers bow and place a kiss upon her daughter's gloved hand. She could feel the welcomed sting as her sharp nails pierced her delicate skin. How dare her daughter defy her in such a manner? She had clearly instructed the wench to have her beloved papa call off the damned engagement. The chit would pay. She watched as Jonathan bestowed a charming smile upon Katherine. The only reason the lad was smiling at her in said manner was because he wanted under her skirts. Savannah snorted to herself. The boy would be greatly disappointed. The wench did not know how to pleasure a man, and certainly not a man like himself. More so, what aggravated her to no end, was, how did the chit manage to attract the attention of Rivers? She had heard of his tales. The man had traveled around the world, women would have eagerly warmed his bed. He had a taste of the French, the Italian, the Middle East, and so much more. Surely a stuffy English miss like her couldn't have caught the rake's attention? It couldn't be her dower either, the man was rich enough to own the entire of England and Scotland, probably more.
    In her unadulterated rage, Savannah did not notice her husband watching her with a grim expression, nor could she see the gentle glances Jonathan kept shooting Katherine's way. All she could see was her irrational anger. The chit ruined all her plans! She should not have agreed to wed Rivers. Savannah took a calming breath. No worries, she would simply have to take matters into her own hands.
   Her eyes ran over the guests present, calculating her next course. Her daughter would call of the wedding, she would make certain of it. Perhaps then her papa would be grateful for Abbot's proposal. Come to think of it, where was the knave? She hadn't seen him for some time now. Perhaps one of the servants could tell her, if she asked the women it would only cause tongues to wag. She couldn't let word reach her husband.



Deep breathes.




  Katherine closed her eyes briefly before opening them once more and repeating her mantra. She had felt her mother's anger from across the room, and she was petrified. Her mother had been angry at her before, many a times,  but this anger, this type of anger, warranted something else, something sinister. The thought had her blood turning to ice. She could all too vividly recall the last time her mother had taken her anger out on her. Katherine's back stiffened at the memory. She had to speak to her father she had to do... Something...

  "A wee preoccupied, aren't we, Kitten?" Jonathan drawled low enough for her ears only. "I would have thought your eyes would be on me the entire evening."

  Katherine looked up, startled, as her  ears burned... How did he come so close to her without her realizing? Weren't their father's standing in between them? Katherine quickly glanced around. Sure enough, her father and Lord Rivers were some distance away...talking. Next, she searched for her mother.

   "A penny for your thoughts?" Jonathan frowned as Katherine shot an anxious glance behind him, her coloring paler than usual. She hadn't even called him out on his conceit.

  "I can not marry you, my lord." Katherine blurted as her doe like eyes widened.

  "Why ever not?" Jonathan glowered. What was wrong with the chit? He looked behind him, seeing nothing but people gossiping and dancing.

  "I simply cannot," Katherine whispered before quickly adding, "you're very handsome, my lord. And you can be quite humorous and charming when you are not behaving as a discourteous lout. But I...I...can not..." Her eyes were trained on the door her mother had used not but a moment ago.

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