Chapter 21

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  "What was she saying? I don't like the looks of her." Henry growled.

  Jane wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a quick  peck on the cheek.
    "Nothing to worry about. She was disclosing some very important information."
   Henry placed his hands on Jane's waist, pulling her closer.

   "What type of information?" He nuzzled her neck. Jane closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of it.

  "Some useful information on our new ladyship."

  "Ye should know she is naught but a liar." Henry pulled away so he could look into her eyes. Jane could be quite doltish at times. And at times, so clever, he'd thought the doltish behavior  a charade.

  "How would ye know, my sweet?"

  "The young lord is good at discovering ones character."

  Jane rolled her eyes, "Something a wee bit solid."

   "She is the lady's maid to Miss Katherine's mother. The very same mother who does not want her daughter wed to the younger lord. The very same mother who invited Lord Dracmore to her bed."

   "Aye, I believe ye." Jane huffed as she crossed her arms across her chest.
Henry stepped away to give her room.

   "What is amiss?"

   "I am trying to see what was  the purpose of her telling me those tales? I mean there was some truth to it. Miss Katherine does come off as cold and arrogant."

  "There's always two sides to a coin, my darling. Never forget. A person's actions are twice as valuable as his tongue." Henry uncurled her hands from where they lay and lifted them to his lips. After placing a soft kiss to her knuckles, he bid her farewell. He had to inform the young lord.


  "But you can not!"

  "What do you mean I can not? I will do as I please! You hear me, boy!" Abu glowered at Jonathan in all his five feet six glory.
  Jonathan glanced upward, praying for mercy. How was he to explain to the old coot? With gentleness and a lot of buttering.

  "Abu, I have a gift for you. If you are to leave how am I to present it to you?"  Jonathan applied all the charm he could manage.

  Abu looked at Jonathan as if he had three  heads instead of one. He walked away from the lad trying to enjoy his afternoon walk.

  "Abu!" Jonathan half whined and half growled as he ran after him. The garden was quite marvelous but at the moment he wished it gone. He needed Abu's undivided attention.

  "You can give me your gift now."

Abu bent down to look at a pale blue flower more closely.

   "It is not ready yet, Abu."

  Abu glared at Jonathan, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Then send it by a messenger when it is ready. If your truly wishes to give me something you could have done so the minute I arrived."

  "Abu, it shall be ready by tonight. Surely you can wait a mere few hours."

  Slowly the laughter faded from his eyes as he looked at Jonathan gravely. "Come here, my son."

  They both walked towards a bench not two steps away. Abu motioned for Jonathan to sit before taking a seat beside him.


  Jonathan froze. Abu never, never, addressed him by his name.

  "I am afraid I am getting old. I know a handsome chap such as myself does not look so," he smirked slyly at Jonathan even as the younger lord rolled his eyes. "But the truth of the matter is, I am."

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