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Katherine stared at the dress in dismay. She could barely breathe. The dress felt as if it were a second skin, fitted to perfection. Highlighting every curve she may or may not possess. Her dresses were usually fitted, but this one seemed to be plastered to her body, her décolletage being indecently low. If she could see herself now, she knew she would resemble a wanton harpy. What had her mother been thinking when making this dress! Katherine will her tears back. She would not cry.

They had arrived at the Rivers estate ere the sup, but her mother had insisted Katherine went straight to her room. She couldn't bare anyone to see her in such a state, her hair disheveled and the grime of travel on her person. She would put suitors off, her mother had said. Katherine had silently obliged. She saw no point in arguing. When the maid had asked if they wanted their meal brought above stairs to their respected rooms, her mother had declined the offer. Katherine had been famished but her mother seemed to think it would do her good to skip a meal or two. So she had gone to her room only to be kept up half the night being told what not to do. Unable to enjoy the bath which had been brought up for her. If that wasn't torture enough, surely this dress would be.
Katherine suppressed a sigh of frustration as her mother entered her room without knocking, Leslie quick on her heels.
"I see you were listening to me after all. The dress will do wonders. I have paid a small fortune for the dresses made wholly for these two weeks. The dresses alone should allow you to gain a suitor. Now, be a dear and do not look cloddish when being spoken to. You had that look about you last eve when I was speaking to you."
Katherine nodded once her mother had paused to run a critical eye over her attire.
It seemed she would have to go through the torture of these dresses until their stay here was over.
"Your hair will not do." Savannah informed her daughter with disdain.
"Leslie, arrange her hair in a bun with tresses hanging down the back, over her shoulder, as well as a few loose tendrils to frame her face. Make sure to add the silver hairpiece I purchased with the dress."
"Aye, m'lady."
Leslie hurried to Katherine's side to do her lady's bidding.
Savannah watched Leslie apply powder to Katherine's face, before she moved to do her hair. Lady Atkins frowned.
"There is no color in your cheeks." Lady Atkins snapped.

Katherine's eyes widened at the evident anger in her mother's tone of voice.
"Leslie, do we have any berries?"
The maid thought briefly before shaking her head, never stopping from her current task.
"Insolent child." Lady Atkins muttered as she moved towards Katherine and pinched her cheeks.
Katherine's eyes stung with tears but she willed them back. Keeping her expression completely neutral, she glanced at her mother through her lashes.
"That will do." Lady Atkins antagonized.
"Make sure you are not pale when we arrive below stairs to break our fast. We do not need the lords to think you are ailing." Lady Atkins said coldly.
Katherine felt the blood rush to her ears as her face flushed with anger and degradation. She could not help it if she was slightly pale. Truth be told, she had been retching for the past two days, it was bound to show on her face. Not that it had concerned her mother. She was at fault for being too weak to allow sickness to consume her.
"It may be too much to ask, but do try to capture the attention of Lord Abbot. He is titled as well as affluent. He arrived shortly ere we did. Seat yourself beside him to break the fast." Savannah instructed.

Katherine blanched. She could not believe her mother! Lord Abbot was as old as time. He was also known to take his fists to his woman. Her mother wanted to wed her to him of all people!
"Have I made myself clear?"
Tight lipped, Katherine nodded.

Her mother opened her mouth to continue when there was a knock on the door followed by the Rivers' servant boy.
"I apologize for any intrusions. His lordship awaits his guests below stairs. Everyone shall break their fasts together."
"We will be along shortly." Lady Atkins said dismissively but the boy stood his ground. He looked to be no older than fifteen summers, but his actions betrayed his age. He was wise beyond his years.
"I am to bring you along, my lady. Lord Atkins is already below stairs." He added pointedly.
Lady Atkins turned to her maid, not bothering to give the boy a respond.
"Are we finished as yet?"
"Aye, m'lady." Leslie answered as she placed an ornament in Katherine's hair, above her right ear.
Katherine stood, slightly shaky. She was feeling rather weak and frail. No doubt due to the retching and not eating. A meal would do her good.
Lady Atkins turned, stiffly heading towards the door. Katherine walked a bit less hotly, giving the boy a small smile as she exited the room.

"Where the devil is my tunic?!" Jonathan grumbled as he threw yet another tunic across the room.
"Mayhap on the other side of the room, where you might have just thrown it." Lord Edward said as he sat on a chair, legs outstretched in Jonathan's chambers.
"The other tunic. The one I prefer." Jonathan snapped as he, yet again, threw another piece of clothing across his chambers.

"Did you try checking your bags, my lord? Or perhaps in your armoire?"
Jonathan glared darkly at his steward.
"The devil be you! Knocking is unbecoming?"
"It is a pleasure to have you home, my lord." The steward, Albert, said with a face devoid of emotion.
Edward laughed. Albert had practically raised Jonathan. His words portrayed the emotions his face, or tone, lacked.
"I have brought you your tunic."
Jonathan grumbled some more as he took the garment, quickly donning it.

"How late am I?"
The steward arched a brow.
"You are concerned with being tardy, my lord?"
Lord Edward laughed openly at the steward's ill-disguised surprise while Jonathan scowled at both men.
"Just answer the damn question."
"I believe your father awaits the presence of Lady Atkins and her daughter. His lordship insisted everyone must break their fast together."
Jonathan perked up, some of his sour mood slipping away.
"I have time then?"
"I'm afraid not, my lord. I saw Henry going to retrieve the ladies ere I came to you."
"Damnation." Jonathan cursed. He had to at least pretend to be getting along with his father if he wanted his plan to succeed. Being late would not be in his favor.
"Worry not, friend. I shall be with you."
Albert grimaced. "I highly doubt that would help Lord Jonathan, my lord."
It was Lord Edward's turn to scowl while Jonathan laughed heartily.
"Do not find amusement in the less fortunate, it will come back to haunt you." Jonathan mocked all too happily.
Edwards scowl grew more pronounced.
"Let us be off, tis time to woo certain mamas and their daughters." Jonathan laughed as he led Edward out the chamber. It would be a good two weeks.

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