Chapter eighteen

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   Katherine moaned as she rubbed her stomach.

  "I apologize, my lord. I shouldn't have emptied the contents of my stomach on your person, but fate has a fine way to extract revenge." Katherine mumbled as she wobbled away. Worthless man was still on the floor. She couldn't have kicked him that hard, could she? Nay she could not have, Katherine consoled herself as she tipsily made her way towards the door.

  He groaned again, causing Katherine to wince. She looked around. She needed something to empty the contents of her stomach. She feared the first time hadn't been enough. She rubbed her temples, debating what to do.
  Katherine turned in a circle until she spotted a flower pot beside the wretched man. She made her way towards the pot, making certain to leave a wide berth from the berk.

  Katherine bent down and tried lifting the flower pot. It was too heavy. But she needed it. She bent her knees, sent a silent prayer and tried again. This time she was successful although not for long.

  "Bloody hell! 'Tis heavy." Katherine gasped as she wobbled with the object. She needed to take it with her, just incase. She did not wish to soil the Rivers estate with the contents of her stomach. But even then, she swayed slightly to the left, then to the right, and a bit backward before adjusting herself. She walked not but two steps when her fingers began to feel clammy.

  "I do not think I'll be able to carry this." Katherine gasped before dropping the pot on the ground.

  "Oh dear..." Katherine's wide eyes turned to saucers as she stared at where the pot had landed. She might have killed the lord. What should she do? First her retching and now this.

  "My lord? Are you dead?" Katherine kicked his side with the tips of her toes. The pot laid shattered atop the lord's head. With the dirt, Katherine could not make out wether he was hurt or not. And the contents of her stomach. It made a most awful sight. She prayed he didn't remember who had caused such calamity upon him.

  He did not stir.

  "Please don't be dead." Katherine whispered as she bent down to check his heartbeat, not aware that she was being watched.

Katherine lifted her head, sighing in relief as she heard the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her ear. Now she could go inside and...sleep. Yes sleep. She had a mind to sleep.
    Katherine got to her feet and slowly turned around. The ground was spinning. She had to keep an eye on it so she wouldn't fall. Katherine was so intent on keeping her eyes on the ground that she did not notice the slightly bemused figure until he spoke.

   "My lady?"

  Katherine lifted her head and tried to focus on the figure ahead of her, who, mind you, was currently blocking the entrance to the ballroom. How was she to enter if the mammoth of a man did not move?

  "Pardon me, sir, but you are blocking my path."

    Jonathan arched a brow from beneath his mask as his eyes narrowed into slits. His Kitten was at least five footsteps away from him and she had raised her voice. Raised her voice. She never  raised her voice.
    She made her way towards him, stopping only when she was less than a hair's width away from him.  Katherine tilted her head upward, causing herself discomfort in the process.

   "My lord?"

  "Kitten." Jonathan growled as he smelled the alcohol on her breathe.

   Katherine sighed heavily. "About time you arrived, my lord. I have no desire to walk, and the world is spinning. May you please carry me to my chambers." She stared at him expectantly. She had not asked him, but simply told him what had to be done.

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