chapter Eight

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"I cannot believe how... how..."

"Moronic, imbecilic, daft, need I go on?" Edward drawled.

"I'm going to stuff you like a boar."

"Sod off." Edward snorted. "You kissed the chit, it's not as if you haven't kissed a woman before."

"I have, she has not." Jonathan ran a frustrated hand down his face. He should have known better.

Edward shrugged.

"You don't understand." Jonathan growled, his frustration only growing.

Edward raised one dark brow, "then explain."

Jonathan sighed. How was he to put it into words?

"Katherine is innocent. She doesn't know much, partly due to that bitch," Jonathan said more to himself than Edward. "But she has a depth of understand that most people could never accomplish. She's brilliant and eager, a fast learner, and very, very curious. Her bloody curiosity is what got me in this mess. But the point is, she trusted me. And I completely violated that trust. I took advantage of her innocence." Jonathan ran another hand down his face, his frustration tangible.

"How innocent can she be?"

"She is under the misconception the bedding involves a bed and is extremely painful." Jonathan answered deadpan.

"If the man is a bastard most women do tend to find the bedding painful. But how would Pastry know?" Edward mused.

"My thoughts exactly." Jonathan said wryly.

"Perhaps her mother had a painful experience?"

Jonathan stared at his friend as if he grew an extra limb, or dozen.

"Alright, just a thought." Edward grumbled.

They stayed silent, each lost in thought.

"Do you regret it?"

Jonathan stared at his friend. Edward knew everything about him, every dark, ugly, horrendous secret. Did he regret it? Nay.

"Nay, her eagerness and-"

"No details. Pastry is like a sister." Edward interrupted hastily before continuing, "Spend more time with her and if her company pleases you then make your Father's wishes come true."

"I don't want my Father's wishes to come true." Jonathan scowled.

"Aye, well, you seem to be very fond of Pastry..." Edward shrugged, not wanting to push his friend. But at the same time, he had a very good feeling about the two. "It may not be so bad."

Jonathan did not comment. Instead, he adjusted his tunic. Once again, there was a bloody dinner party tonight. At least it wasn't a ball. Those were dreadful. There was the hunt to look forward to... Yes, if Jonathan kept the hunt in mind he would be happier.

"Say Edward, think you Abbot had enough yester eve? We are going hunting today..." Jonathan's hidden words hung between them. Edward's smile was slow, a slow predatory smile. He would make Abbot's stay as unpleasant as possible.

"I think I'm looking forward to the hunt.


Katherine paced across her chambers. Front. Back. Front. Back. Front. Back. Her hand went to her lips. She could almost swear they still tangled with the Lout's kisses. She never knew kissing could feel so... so... wonderful! Nor did she think there were so many different variations of kissing. Good lord, she had to tell the lout to teach her more. Katherine stopped her pacing, her hand going to her lower stomach. A strange feeling had borne in her stomach when his lips had touched hers, but it had changed to something greater, almost painful, yet equally as wonderful when his tongue did wicked things with her own tongue. She would have to ask the lout about that as well. She hoped he came to her tonight. Perhaps she should go to him? What if she was found? It mattered not, she didn't even know where his chambers were located. But how she wished she could see him.

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