Chapter eleven

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   "My lady, a word please." Edmund smiled easily at the people present as he waited for his wife to turn to him. Savannah did so, at her leisure. The women surrounding her waved their fan's and fluttered their lashes coyly as they shot coveted glances at Edmund before begrudgingly looking at Savannah. She smirked at them knowingly, placing her hand in her husband's outstretched one, she turned towards the ladies.

  "It was a pleasure, but I must tend to my dear husband, he has need of me." The innuendo was not missed as the women watched her leave with resentment. If one could look into their hearts, they'd see their desire to claw the smug satisfaction off the Lady's face. What they did not know was, it was all a façade, and they had nothing to be jealous about. At times the humankind was indeed a pitiful creature, living for others rather than for one's self. 

    They walked silently down the hall, looking the part of a handsome couple, one with no burdens to fill their days. The facade ended as soon as they reached the safety of Katherine's chambers. Once they were safely behind Katherine's chamber doors, Savannah snatch her arm away. "You should have sent a servant."

  Edmund sighed, ignoring the hate which coated her words. It was a long, useless battle, one he chose not to take part in, much to his wife's displeasure. He had long ago learned the games of life.

   "I have an important matter to discuss with you." Edmund took a seat on Katherine's neat bed, putting a safe distance between himself and his wife.

  "It could have waited, I was having a very meaningful conversation with the ladies." Savannah lifted an arched brow, her lips twisted scornfully as she looked upon him with arrogance. Dressed in a perfectly tailored tunic and breeches, he looked the part of the perfect lord of the manor. His fair hair was lightly streaked with silver, his hunter gaze missing nothing. Even now, years later, he managed to quicken her heartbeat solely with his presence. The damn man wasn't even sparing her a glance. 

   "The fashion of slippers is constantly changing, I am certain you shan't miss anything." Edmund snorted.

  "Regarding the gossip you pursue ever so religiously, I believe your friends shall make certain you are well aware." He said dismissively as he, finally, held her gaze.

  Savannah stiffened her spine. "What need do you have of me? Would you finally like an heir?" She sneered as she watched him with perverse glee.

  "I did not call you in our daughter's room to discuss the marriage bed." Edmund snapped, his patience seemed to always abandon him when he came near his wife. A flaw on his part, surely, but nevertheless, still troublesome.

  "I need to discuss Katherine."

  "What of her?" Savannah asked carelessly, itching to be rid of his company and this dreadful conversation. There was nothing to discuss regarding her daughter. She was a nuisance. The sooner she was rid of her the better. 

   "A marriage proposal has come for her. As you are the one who gave birth to her, I want your opinion before I make my decision."

  "There is nothing to discuss, Abbot has asked for her hand, you must draw up the contract. Tis not very difficult, my lord."

   Edmund smiled, an eerie coldness coated his words as he regarded his wife with contempt. "What makes you certain it was Abbot who proposed?"

  He kept his anger in check, he wouldn't, couldn't let her see how much her one assumption affected him. She may have a sick liking to sard the old berk, but he wouldn't have his daughter go through it.

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