Chapter Fourteen

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   Jonathan took in a deep, calming breath. The gentle summer breeze toyed with his fair locks,slowly pushing them to hide his usually warm brown eyes that at the moment were quite troubled.
   Somewhere in the distance he heard the crickets chirping, but even they would soon be retiring for the night. He turned his head upward slightly, staring at the moon. It was lovely, half immersed in shadows as it was. It seemed to him tonight was the night of the moon, not a single star was in sight.  But the moon did not need them, though only half visible, brightened even the darkest of nights.
    Jonathan loved his room, the balcony over looked the entire castle grounds, but mainly the forest and stables. But what he really treasured was the clear sky he was able to witness very night. Sleeping under the stars had become becoming to him, the roof of his chambers  felt suffocating, almost. Or maybe it was the darkness of the night, a darkness which was his very own, one that was a part of him.
   At times it seemed to Jonathan his body was too fond of the moon, it would not allow him to sleep. But he cherished being alone in the darkness of the night, in being cloaked in its blanket while the world slept away. He could hear his thoughts, he need not worry about anyone else. All but one...
    Mercifully, he had gotten his Kitten to agree to marry him, but he had to learn what that sarding bint of a mother was up to? Mayhap if he simply poisoned her food it would be enough? Jonathan shook his head, she was poison herself, an addition of the vile liquid would hardly cause her any harm. He pursed his lips, thinking of all the possibilities. Wretched woman could be up to anything. Jonathan sighed, that was a worry for another day. For now he had to make certain his plan succeeded and drink the now cold milk Abu had left. Jonathan grimaced, he loathed warm milk and almonds.

  "Wake up!" A pillow was thrown promptly afterwards.

  "I said wake up you! Look at the time! We have much to do. I say, wake up, boy." Lord Davidson threw another pillow to Edward's face.

   Edward groaned, rolling onto his side.

  "Wake up, boy." The words were followed with a kick to his side.

   "Damnation." Edward growled.

  "Tis no good to use such foul language." Abu smirked as he yet again kicked Edward's side.

  If one were to enter the chambers at that exact moment they would find a comical sight. Lord Davidson sat up in bed, his legs stretched outwards towards Edward's side, his toes just brushing him. While Edward lay in vain trying to sleep. Lord Davidson smirked as he, for the third time, kicked Edward's side.

  "Bloody Nora!" Edward growled as he finally sat up in bed. Seeing his father to be, some of his anger seemed to deflate.

  "Abu!" Edward half whined, half growled, "tis barely dawn. Why must I be awake?"
   "I have a mind to stroll the gardens and I need you to accompany me." Abu smiled as he rose from the bed, his night tunic barely covering his protruding belly.

  "Abu, you will nay be able to see anything, tis too dark." Edward tried to persuade him back to bed. If he could get the old coot to sleep, then he could mayhap go see Annabelle.

  "Nonsense! By the time you get dressed it shall be dawn." Lord Davidson smiled as he stretched his arms, his chubby cheeks a rosy red.

   "If you insist." Edward grumbled, as he too, arose from bed and headed towards his armoire. His raven locks stuck out in odd angles. No use, he had to think of something else.

   "You have fifteen minutes to wash, lad. I would like to see you post haste." Abu instructed.

  "Aye." Edward answered as he took out a fresh pair of trousers. Mayhap he could convince Abu to take Jonathan as well.

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