Chapter thirteen

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Jonathan was outside of Katherine's door in a trice, but now that he had arrived, he paused. What would he say to her? He couldn't force her to wed him, but he knew her decision not to wed him was not her own. Should he enter through her door or should he have used the passage? Jonathan sighed. Why was he suddenly feeling like a young lad about to be made into a man? Perhaps he should leave her for the night? Giver her time to think? Jonathan took his head, that was the problem. The chit thought too much. Nay, he couldn't let her be. He had to speak to her, convince her... Steal a kiss or two. Jonathan smirked at his thoughts. But now wasn't the time to be crude, he needed to speak to her.
Just as he raised his hand to politely knock on the door, because he had to pretend to be chivalrous, the door to Katherine's chambers swung open, revealing the lady in question.

"I had a mind to go search for you, my lord." Katherine said softly. If she was surprised by his presence she kept it well hidden.

Katherine moved to the side, allowing Jonathan to easily enter her chambers before closing the door behind them. Jonathan reached around her and put the lock in place. Katherine raised a faint brow as she peered at the door curiously.

"I understand you locked the door but I see no lock."

Jonathan smirked, "all in good time, Kitten. Once we are wed you shall hold the secrets to these walls."

Katherine turned away, "you have yet to see my penmanship, my lord. I have been practicing. I believe I am ready to compile the letters so they can form words."

"As you wish, my lady." Jonathan replied equally as softly, watching her closely.

Katherine's forehead creased slightly, but other than that she nodded her head and strode towards her dresser, there, she opened the top drawer and retrieved her parchment and quill.
Katherine glanced behind her to see Jonathan still standing where she had left him, she bit her lip, debating if she should show him or not. He did not seem as eager as she.

Jonathan watched her watching him. He knew he was making her feel abashed but he needed her to be completely at ease with him. He wanted her to be herself around him. So he waited until she approached him.
What seemed like eons to him but was most likely only a moment or two, she strode towards him with a confidence he was beginning to associate only with her. He had to look up the meaning of her name.

"I believe I may begin the next step, that is if you also are of the same opinion, my lord."

Jonathan took the parchment from her hand, making certain to brush his fingers against her palm and standing a tad too close for propriety or comfort. Katherine's breathing hitched ever so slightly. Jonathan pretended not to notice.

"Indeed, my lady. If I didn't know any better I would assume this was written by someone who has been writing for years."

"You are most kind, my lord." Katherine said as she took the parchment back from him and stepped away.

"What shall we do today?"

"Perhaps we can educate ourselves on different matters of life." Jonathan answered with a slight smirk as he closed the distance she had created.

"You have me at a disadvantage, my lord." Her voice was naively sweet as she craned her neck ever so slightly to peer at him.

Not one to beat around the bush, Jonathan grabbed her around the waist until she was flush against him, her wide eyes watching him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as his large hand spanned the back of her tiny back.

"Why do you refuse to marry me?" He looked into her wide, hunter eyes, trying in vain to pull the answer from their depths.

She looked away, refusing to meet his stare, "My lord, we must continue with the penmanship."

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