Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

   "Get it away from me! Oh the treacherous creature!" The lady screeched as she fled from the room, not caring about her gown which was half way off, or how her hair was no longer elegantly styled. Following close behind her was a man in an equally disheveled state. Thankfully for them, their masks were still intact, hence their reputations were safe, for now.

   The people in the ballroom had yet to comment when another screamed filled the room.

  "How dare you take me in such a horrendous chamber?! What was that? My lord, that was a creature! A dead one as well." The lady cried in hysterics as the lord in question tried to surreptitiously edge away from her. His face turning an ugly shade of red as he saw gossiping eyes.

  "Most entertaining, wouldn't you say?" Edward chuckled as he watched the lady turn towards her audience in horror, finally realizing they were not alone. Mercilessly, her horror was short lived, as yet another scream echoed in the silence. But by now the guests were more amused than afraid. Their eyes eagerly awaited as their tongues began to spin tales of scandalous gossip. Within the hour, the ladies of the event would be ruined. And the men would walk away unscathed, that was the way of the world in which we resided. Where two would sin, but one would be punished, and that too, greatly so.

   "Blood! There's blood everywhere. There's been a murder!" It was a man who screamed this time around, running wildly from the chambers as his shirt lay open for all to see, along with a smear of blood. The lady was no where to be seen, smart woman.

  "Why are you all standing there? There has been a murder!" His voice broke at the end as his eyes glossed over.
    "End your charade." The voice was quiet yet hard.

   Edward glanced to his left to see the annoying blond chit from earlier. Rolling his eyes, he stepped towards the empty space left in between the victims and the dancers.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention." Edward's voice boomed throughout the ballroom. But due to the mask, it was slightly unrecognizable.

  "These lovely people before us are not of nobility. They are stage actors and actresses hired by the lord of the manor for your entertainment and to remind the people present to live their lives virtuously while you are under his lordships care. Our apologies to the gossip columns and ladies; there shan't be a scandal tonight. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

   Quiet whispers began as Edward and Jonathan both headed towards the group of people.
  "Next time we shan't be so kind as to hide your mistakes." Jonathan growled.

   "There would be nothing to hide if you hadn't indulged in such atrocious behavior." One of the ladies hissed low enough so only the people in their small circle could hear.

   "If you wish to fornicate, fornicate elsewhere, my lady." Edward smiled coldly before turning on his heel. Jonathan was quick to follow.

  "A pity we had to clean their mess." Jonathan sighed.

  "Aye." Edward grunted. "If they hadn't made such a scene it would have been quite entertaining."

   "That was very kind of you."

  Edward inwardly groaned as the blond chit smiled at him. He needed not another wench to swoon over him! And where had she appeared from? Where was Annabelle?

  "Funnily enough, I didn't have your approval in mind while performing the deed."

   Annabelle laughed openly. Edward thought she was flirting but the look of vexation on his face was too much for her to handle.

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