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Above Is Alena Parker.


"Lucas!" I yelled angrily, setting off down the stairs to chase my idiot brother. He had taken my phone from my hands, just ripped it out of them and dashed madly down the stairs! I don't see why he would do this though, since he knows I'll just beat him until he gives it back.

"You have to go to training, Allie!" He shouted back, dashing down the long, tan hallway and into Gabriel's office. Stupid move, big brother.

"What in the name of the moon goddess is going on now?" He moaned, taking his head in his hands. Aww, my poor brother.

"Lucas took my phone," I growled, lunging for it again. He swiftly stepped to the side, but I managed to scrape him up with my nails. There was a slight glare exchanged before my other brother spoke once again. Gabriel groaned, standing up and walking over to Lucas.

"Give the phone back."

My brother shrugged and smiled sheepishly, his hazel eyes glinting with amusement. Those same eyes that could cheer anybody up, take the gloom away from you and make your day amazing. He's such a jokester—a pain, but funny. Of course he's only amusing when he's not messing with me, because if you do, you might just end up with missing limbs.

"She's teaching training tonight!" Lucas pouted, tucking the phone away in his back pocket. I teach the younger teenagers how to fight, since I'm one of the top fighters in the Parker pack. Sadly, my stupid brothers won't allow me to teach the older kids because they're too afraid that I'll get hurt or end up with the pack doctor. Too bad I could best both of them in a minute. I may not be an Alpha, but I've got Alpha blood in me, and I'm sure gonna use it.

"Who did it Monday?" Ugh, why, Gabe? Why? I fell back against the wall, knowing exactly what Gabriel's verdict will be.

"Me." Lucas said, crossing his arms and smiling smugly. Butt hole.

"Then it's your turn, little sis," he smiled innocently and turned back to his desk.

"Can I at least have my phone back?" Lucas eyed Gabriel. No doubt they were planning something completely horrible in their heads. I hate when they do that!

"You can get it back when you're done." Gabe stated. Lucas snickered, making me growl in response and trudge through the door.

"Bastards." I muttered, clenching my fists as I went upstairs to change.

"That's not nice." Lucas called, laughing right after. Stupid enhanced hearing.

What are you gonna teach them? My wolf, Evangeline asked. I sighed. If Lucas taught them defense, then I teach them the new method that Cole came up with, otherwise they learn defense.

I changed into some black yoga pants and a big red shirt that belonged to Hayley, Lucas' mate, but I only took it cause this one says "Burgers and fries are my ride or dies". Honestly it's the truth.


It turns out that my idiot brother did teach them defense, so I taught them the new attack methods, which were actually pretty advanced for fourteen and fifteen year olds. They did pretty well, and I was proud of them. I actually like these kids for a change.

After training, I grabbed my phone from Lucas, who was with Hayley. Big, round, and lovable Hayley. I mean, she's not fat or anything, she's just pregnant. Like, this baby is huge or something. Other than that aspect of her, she was an outgoing woman, beautiful and funny. Some part of me thinks it's all an act. I mean, no one can be that perfect can they? But she is my friend, and I trust her.

"Night Allie!" She called.

"Night," I mumbled back, checking my phone for any new texts or updates. My feet flew up the wooden stairs and into my bedroom.

I absolutely loved this place, it was painted a peaceful pastel blue, one wall being painted with a beautiful forest. The most beautiful thing about the picture, however, shows our pack, all hidden behind trees and bushes, but in the front stood my family.

My father as his auburn wolf, my mother as her copper. Behind her was Gabriel with his black fur, Lucas with his auburn fur, and me, in my white coat. Tiny little me, with golden eyes that matched the rest of my pack, the pack my parents once lead.

But they don't anymore. Gabriel is the alpha now, as he's always been since he was sixteen. As he was since their murder.

I tore my eyes from the mural, turning away from the wall and to my white bed. Not even bothering to change, I drew the heavy duvet back and jumped in, wrapping myself in the blankets and letting the welcome heat consume me into what I wished was a peaceful night of sleep.


The howling laughter behind her paralyzed the little girl, her blood turning cold at the memory of the horrific day. Seven year old Alena spun around helplessly, trying to find the source of the manic laughter, but to no avail. Panic consumed her little body as tears flowed from her cheeks, softly cascading onto the soft jumper.

"Momma," She cried. "Daddy, where are you?"

For what seemed like hours she cried for help, the laughing only growing louder and louder until it sounded like it was right beside her. Suddenly, she grew up, growing taller and more developed as she matured into the eighteen year old body she possessed today. The tears still stained her cheeks, leaving them stiff and her green eyes bloodshot.

Suddenly a cold hand appeared on her shoulder, gripping tightly and spinning her around. She whimpered, looking up into the beast's face as he smiled evilly down at her. Yellow teeth shined her way, greasy hair filled with nasty dandruff, proving how disgusting he was. No doubt he was a rogue, a nasty but strong one since he could kill an Alpha and a Luna on the same day. Oh god, what if he kills her too, or her brothers and their mates? What about Gabriel and Lucas' sons? Oh god, please no.

Although the man was terrifying, there was some type of familiarity to him. She couldn't tell where she had seen him, or if she had ever saw him in the first place. His eyes, though, were the one thing that caught her attention. They were what made her the most uncomfortable, as they were exactly like hers.

"Night night, girlie." His voice was deep and raspy, as if he hadn't drank water in days.

Slowly, a gun appeared on the top of her breasts, right above the fast paced heart. The cold metal stung, and the wretched smell of the rogues breath filled her nostrils as he cackled again.

Shutting her eyes tightly, she waited for the trigger to be pulled, for the bullet to pierce her heart and kill her. She wished it to be over, because every second that the gun was pressed to her chest, reminded her of the gruesome price her parents paid for the pack.

And then he shot her.

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