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All throughout the rest of the day, I hung out around the house. Some people actually made an effort to talk to me, most muttering words like "Hi," and "Welcome to the pack,". Technically I'm not part of their pack until a ceremony takes place. Ugh, I am not excited for that.

Christian left to attend some business that he wouldn't tell me, leaving me alone in the living room. There were a lot of people, most just talking in groups and some even pointing and staring at me.

"Hi!" Someone from behind chirped happily, tapping my shoulder.

I spun around to meet a girl about my age with dark red hair and tiny freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her royal blue eyes were really pretty, complementing the whole 'ginger' look.


She smiled, holding out her hand. "I'm Bella," She introduced. I smiled and took her hand in mine, shaking it slowly until I pulled back.

"Alena." Bella smiled wide.

"So you're the new girl everyone's been talking about?" She paused. "Of course you are! I would know you!" Oh, okay. Then, suddenly, she leaned in, eyeing me carefully.

"Is it true? That you're Alpha Bade's mate?" Bella's voice was dangerously low, as if this were top secret news. I could see some people lean in towards our conversation, focusing on my next few words.

"Um, uh-"

"Bella!" A girl called out, rushing our way and saving me from blurting out the answer. I haven't decided if I should tell or not yet, and maybe Christian doesn't want people to find out just yet.

But do I want people to find out? I mean, of course I want all the girls to stop throwing theirselves at him or staring hungrily. But maybe I want to wait, because what if he actually does mess up for real? He is the alpha of the Bade pack, rumored to be the most merciless, cruel, but strong and respected pack in the country, maybe even in the continent. I may be mean and cranky and stuff like that, but I don't believe in innocent people being harmed or locked up in cruel cages considered jails.

Speaking of that, I'll have to mention that later.

"Zoe!" Bella exclaimed, smiling grandly and waving her over. The girl smiled back, but I swear it slightly faltered when she licked her eyes over me. Why is everyone so scared of me?

She had strawberry blonde hair that was pin straight, bright blue eyes similar to Bella's and light pink lips. She was small, wearing a pretty yellow dress that had daisies positioned randomly.

"Hey." said Zoe, looking down at the ground.

"Zoe, this is Alena. She's the new girl." Zoe looked up, smiling slightly before looking back down.

"Nana just wanted me to tell you that she fixed your dress." And with that, she zoomed right back off, without so much a glance back.

"She's shy. And my cousin." Bella shrugged.


Something's totally up. Evan suggested. Yeah, but what?


Later, Bella took me around and introduced some of her friends. Some were cool, some acted like Zoe. I wonder what's gotten into them? Is being a rogue such a dangerous thing here?

The names flew out of my memory faster than a cat skittering away from a dog, but some I could vaguely remember. Toby, Harper, Brooke, Isaiah, Kieran, and Luke. Luke was easy, it was so similar to Lucas. Lucas, and Hayley and Jacob. I want see them again, face to face instead of just texts.

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