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Above is Mario Lopez.


A new aroma filled my nostrils completely, the unfamiliarity causing Evangeline to instantly regret forcing me over. This isn't Parker land anymore, and honestly I never payed attention to any of the other surrounding packs when we learned about them. School was never important to me.

If only I had actually believed it was

Then another scent filled my nose, a foreign wolf from another pack. Oh crap, thanks Evan.

No problem, she replied sarcastically with a hint of fear evident. I whipped my body around and dashed across the lake, running right through the water as fast as I could. I made it halfway, my calves absolutely soaked, when a forceful set of jaws clenched the fabric of my shirt. I felt the sharp teeth rip the shirt and skim my skin, leaving a tiny stinging cut.

A tiny whimper escaped my mouth, despite my efforts to seem unaffected as the wolf dropped me on the ground and shifted back into a human form. He was half naked, standing in his boxers.

I don't know why, in fact no one does, but when wolves shift back into human form, they are left with only their undergarments on. You'd think that we appear completely naked, but no, the moon goddess wants to make sure we save ourselves for our mates.

The man glared at me, a look you give rotten trash or something unpleasant.

"Rogue." He spat, snatching my arm and yanking me to my feet. Pain shot up my arm stopping at my shoulder. That-Urgh!

"I'm no rogue!" I growled, trying to yank back my arm, but instead was greeted with more pain. My teeth ground together, hard, as the man began to drag me away, away from the tiny stream and the safe comfort of my pack.

"Maybe not, but you're not from this pack, which makes you a rogue." He hissed. What in the hell does that mean?

Evan took control of my body, snapping back at the man. "Obviously your logic is off."

He grinned, yanking my arms forward. "Tell that to the alpha."


It didn't help that every time I struggled, the guy would yank my hair or snap some threats. I mean, of course I would bite back and once I even got a good kick to his manhood but no, he just slipped his fingers through my hair and pulled, leaving me to watch as he cradled his family jewels. It honestly took everything in me not to laugh, and cringe away.

About ten minutes later, what would've been three minutes had we been in wolf form, we reached a dull, but large building. The outside didn't look all that pretty, the old wood looking like it would give way, and with no windows it just looked ghastly. There were two men, who each had bowling ball muscles and a gun tucked in his side. Why they would need that if they could just shift and be powerful already? I've no idea.

They scowled as the guy brought me closer, but they nodded respectively at the stupid mutt dragging me by the arm. Even in the dark I could tell they weren't very nice, tattoos covering the guy on the left's arm. He glared at me as we passed. Both did actually.

A low growl escaped my lips before disappearing behind the black doors. I could barely see anything, but from the clinks and ominous shouts, I knew this has to be a jail.

Me? In a jail? Could these stupid people not sense that I was of alpha descent, or were they just stupid?

The guy threw me onto the stone cold floor behind metal bars, silver no doubt. "Rest up pup, you've got a long day tomorrow." He smiled at me and kicked the door, leaving me stranded and cold and very uncomfortable.

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