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I stood side by side next to Christian, looking out into my new pack. It feels kinda good, being a leader of one of the strongest packs in the country. It gives a person some sort of purpose, like you're meant somewhere, important somehow. It's pretty hard to understand, but it feels good.

Not soon after, I was being greeted by many members. Some of them I had seen before, but most of them completely new.

"Hi Luna." A young boy smiled and waved. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes, the same color of the forest.

"Hi," I smiled, crouching down to his size. "What's your name, cutie?"

The boy smiled, cute dimples indented into his cheeks. "Mason."

"Well, Mason, do you wanna go eat some cake?" I asked. The women in the pack had made a grand cake that Christian and I were supposed to cut, similar to a human's wedding, but I think Mason can join us.

He nodded, blush rising steadily. I smiled, taking his hand and standing up. My eyes scanned the round for my familiar grey eyes, and found them immediately. He stood a few feet away, watching me while leaning against the stage itself.

I walked over, Mason holding my hand. "You want to cut the cake? Cause I think Mason here wants some." I smiled, watching the little boy smile and nod and me. Christian nodded, leading the way to the table.

Then cutest thing happened then. Tiny Mason, with his dark hair and adorable dimples, lifted up his right hand and slipped it into Christian's. At first, Christian looked down, completely startled by this. But Mason only smiled up at the big bad alpha, who smiled back and held his hand. I swear to the moon goddess it was adorable.

So there we were, walking over to the table with Mason in our hands. It all seemed perfect, almost like a glimpse of the future if you could see it that way. The cake was a few feet ahead, people watching, others conversing happily.

But like all other good moments, it didn't last long.

A loud, skin crawling growl emitted from the woods just behind us all. I swung my body around, pushing Mason behind protectively. Christian growled in response, stepping forward in front of the both of us. People froze in their spots, cutting off mid sentence or  action.

We all watched silently. Some people even glanced back toward the two of us. I honestly don't know what this is, or what's going on, but maybe Christian does. Maybe he doesn't, and we've been caught off guard.

At that moment, a very large, very dark wolf crawled through the trees, yellow eyes burning fiercely. He was crouched low, snarling white teeth at us. He clearly wasn't from our pack, or any allied one. Maybe he was an enemy alpha. Or a rogue. I really hope it wasn't. Rogues and I don't have a good history at all.

I picked up Mason, cradling him into my chest.

It's him. Evangeline pointed out, terrified out of her wits.


She never answered back, but we didn't have any time for a conversation at that moment, for numbers of vicious looking wolves also seeped from behind the trees, all with the same stance as the black wolf.

Up ahead, Christian cursed under his breath.

"Stay behind me, and don't move." He mind linked me. I agreed, clutching Mason closer. Christian stepped up, fists clenched tightly.

"You're not welcome here," he spat. Everybody watched silently, most likely confused as to what's happening. I am too.

The wolf growled in response, crouching lower and stalking forward.

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