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The guy slowly opened the door, and my eyes flew to the ground as the scent overrode my nose again, coming at maximum force and causing me to gasp for air. The guy shoved me in, causing me to stumble over my feet and fall.

A slight growl erupted from above. I rolled my eyes and pushed my body up, doing a burpee type thing and glaring daggers at the guy.

"Thank you, Mario." The guy, whose name I now know is Mario, nodded and backed up to the wall. His voice alone made pleasurable tingles ride up my spine, the low and smooth voice replaying those few words over and over.

Slowly I turned around, averting my eyes from the man in front of me.

"I'll handle this one by myself." His voice spoke again.

A few seconds later, the door opened and closed, Mario's scent leaving the room, leaving me and my mate alone. Alpha Bade, and I alone.

"Look up." He commanded. Evan wanted to, to gaze into his eyes and have the world just spin around us. But I denied both of their requests and stared at the floor. Shoes came into view, nice black ones that look extremely expensive, and tan dress pants covering his legs.

Suddenly two fingers touched my skin, sparks springing to life as they lifted my chin up gently, his thumb slowly stroking my chin pleasurably.  A gasp escaped my lips.

My face was forced up, my eyes looking into dreamy silver ones, ones that bore into mine. I couldn't detect any emotion, as they were hard and unbreakable, as if he was determined not to show any love. I looked away, examining his facial features, which were equally handsome. His nose wasn't big or small, it was the right size and softly curved but defined, and dark stubble outlined his mouth and chiseled jaw. He had full pink lips, ones I wanted to kiss so, so bad, and to top it off, messy dark brown hair, similar to Gabriel's.

"What's your name?" He whispered, his face so close to mine now I practically felt the warmth radiating off his body. Every part of me wanted to close the short gap between us, press my lips onto his. I fought every last urge however, refusing to give in to this. He's a ruthless alpha, and I won't accept that. Ever.

"Emily," I lied, trying to put on the most believable face. His remained serious.

"Your real name," He said again. Okay, so maybe I suck at lying to this guy. I grit my teeth together, but Evan forced it out of me.


"Alena," He purred, making my stomach clench in happiness and Evangeline jump with joy. Just hearing our mate say my name made both of us happy, more happy than I could ever remember.

Wait what am I saying? My family makes me happy, happier than this! Guilt overcame me as memories of my six year old self began to flow through my head, the day my parents threw a large party to celebrate a new birth in the pack. That day had been fun, much more happy and memorable than this. Of course my wolf disagreed and urged me to focus on my mate.

"Are you from a surrounding pack?or just a rogue?" He asked, the word rogue coming out harsher than the rest. Now I'm really starting to understand the woman's point of his distaste for rogues.

"I'm not from here, that's for sure." I growled, glaring into his eyes.

"But you are on my land, no?"

"It was an accident. I never would have come close had I known it was your land. I'd leave if I had the chance." I spat, watching as his dreamy eyes turned angry, a loud growl ripping through the room as the grip on my chin tightened tremendously.

"Don't you ever say that again." He growled loudly. It was horrifying, seeing the man who had seemed so calm become a monster right before my very eyes. I saw his bulky muscles tremble, and beneath his white button shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, veins popped out. This was a signal that his wolf was about to take control. I should stop, and in all honesty, I kinda wanted to, but I won't let this guy just sweep me away. I don't even know his name!

"Watch me."

My mate snarled again as he spun us around, my body now on top of the desk as he stood in between my legs, his hands gripping my waist tightly, as if to hold me there. More sparks flew to every inch of my body, but I had to push them away due to the present events.

"You won't run, kitten, and I doubt you'll wanna leave." He smirked, one hand sliding down to my thigh, his palm pressed up on it and his thumb stroking the inside, awfully close to my area. The smirk widened as my eyes grew bigger, pleasant tingles shooting up my leg, wanting him to slide his finger up a few more inches.

Oh hell no! I looked away and over to the beige wall.

"Look at me kitten." Slowly, my head slid toward his way until I was staring at his handsome features once more. How is this man so good looking?

"You will not speak about leaving or departing from my side. You're mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it. Do I make myself clear?"

Evangeline nodded excitedly, happy to just give herself over to him without saying goodbye to our family with no fight. Well not me.

"I have a family. And a pack and a home. I need to-"

"Do I make myself clear?" He repeated, gripping my thighs tightly and giving me a death glare, as if daring me to object.

"At least let me go back and say goodbye," I pleaded, looking for someway to go back.

It was a minute that he contemplated this, never breaking eye contact but something going on behind his expressionless face.

"On one condition." He started rubbing the insides of my thighs again, the right corner of his lip starting to perk up. It was like he already knew I was going to agree.

"What?" I made my voice sound annoyed and bored, rolling my eyes at his predicted triumph. I was actually trembling inside.

"I get to go with, and help you pack. By tomorrow, you'll will be moved into my pack and my house."

Really? My brother would definitely not approve of another alpha, especially a stronger and more deadly one, on his lands, let alone in our house helping me pack my belongings. God, I hope they don't do anything stupid, because this is the only way for me to say goodbye.

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but here I go.


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