twenty nine

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Dozens of pack members shifted. Brown, grey, and black wolves turned, ripped clothing being left behind. In a panic, I pushed myself even harder, sprinting deeper into the field.


Where are you? I asked Christian, looking around frantically. It's hard to track him by scent when there's so many wolves here, even if he is my mate.

Just stay where you are. I'm coming. And don't shift either.

I debated staying here, as so many fights were being fought. I don't think I can watch. I may be a luna and an alpha's daughter, but I'd hate it anything happened while I could've helped.

All around me, wolves clashed, snarling and clawing and biting. Howls, ones I could distinguish between my pack and the rogues, were everywhere, clouding my thoughts.

Wait, why am I panicking? I should be used to this, I've trained for this! Nobody should be able to take me down, or at least nobody powerful.

Suddenly there were two wolves circling me. They were both giants, one black and one brown, each with terrifying snarls ripping from their mouth. My eyes narrowed on the black one.

"Try it, mutt." I hissed. Quickly, the rogue lunged. I jumped, meeting it in the air. My hands wrapped around it's neck, pulling it back down to the floor. I squeezed, twisting just a little until the beast went limp.

The brown wolf did not take kindly to it's friend's death. I found myself lodged beneath it's paws, claws digging into my skin just beneath the collar bones. All I could feel was a harsh stinging before it disappeared.

"Alena!" Someone yelled from my right. I turned, looking frantically for Christian.

He had the wolf on the ground, and in an instant it was dead, just like it's friend. A loud whimper escaped it, before the eyes became lifeless and the body froze forever.

He pushed the wolf off him, racing back towards me like a cheetah. The way he could deflect the rogues, as they all threw themselves to him was pretty impressive, but the instinct to help him was even more stronger at the moment.

Before I could even process it, Chris had my hand in his and was tugging me through the field. It felt horrible, leaving the pack alone, but I knew what we were going to do. I knew we were heading to the leader, for me to kill him.

"How am I supposed to kill this man?" I shouted over the howls and whimpers of wrestling wolves. Christian looked back, by continued pulling.

"I'll get you in, protect you, and kill off anybody in our way. Mario is coming. We'll trap the leader, shoot him with the bullets Mario has, and you'll finish him off."

For saying all that and running at the same time, the guy is still breathing normally. Impressive in its own rights. I nodded, running faster and farther from the war zone that was our fields.

We kept on, slowing down a little bit as we neared wherever the leader was. Christian and Mario apparently knew where the supposed headquarters was. How, I had no idea.

We finally stopped at what he said was a quarter of a mile out. Mario is supposed to be here, hiding in the trees with the silver bullets.

Behind the bushes, Mario's voice said, causing Christian and I to trail over to a large thicket. Wherever we were, the beta had picked a good spot.

We ducked behind, where Mario crouched with three guns and loads of ammo. He wore a black leather glove, padded in the fingertips and palm. Huh, protection against the silver. At least we know our beta's smart.

"Alright. You take this," Mario pushed the pistol and one pack of ammo to Christian, "and this is for you," Mario handed another pistol to me. Gently I took it, avoiding the ammo.

A gun. I'm holding a murder weapon. Sure, I'm a living, breathing one, but this is different. This isn't my teeth or claws, this is deadly metal with the ability to kill in seconds.

I swear on the moon goddess! What is wrong with me today? I'm so jumpy and panicky, I'm actually confused! I've never been like this, not since...not since my parents died.

That's why. I'm about to murder my parents murderer. And possibly dozens more. Not only am I avenging mom and dad, but I'm avenging the other innocent lives that mutt took. This isn't just about me and some rogue. This is so much more now.

This is war. And with war, there's always a price to pay.

"You know the plan?" I asked Mario, trying to regain some type of authority. Mario nodded, loading up his gun and ours. After we were locked and loaded, Chris looked above the bush. Nobody heard anything, but I guess it doesn't help to double check. After the paranoia drifted away from our alpha, he lowered himself back next to me.

"We're going to take this guy out, one way or another." Christian declared, gently grabbing my hand behind my leg. Mario didn't notice, but I guess that was Christian's intentions.

"I refuse for either of you to die, though. So, uh, don't get killed," I finished. Wow. So inspirational. Both men chuckled. It feels nice to have one last laugh before we enter  what could be our impending doom. At least I'll go out with my favorite guy.

It's weird, to think back to when I first met Christian Bade. I hated his guts, his pack and myself for being mated to him. Skip a month or two and here I am, gladly wanting to kiss the guy before I die.

Have I really fallen for my ruthless mate? I believe so.

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