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I charged at Dalia, taking her head on and pushing her down to the ground. From there, I sat on top of her stomach, growling down and throwing a couple good hits her way.

"You. Fucking. Bitch!"

The first thing I saw in her face was pure terror. Everything in her face, from the wide eyes to the slightly ajar mouth, portrayed fear. Dalia swatted my hand away after I tried to punch her again, but instead I landed a good hit to her cheek.

"Ow!" She wined, clutching at her cheeks and trying to push me off. I stood, letting her fix herself. Then I kicked her in the stomach, glaring down. Tears were forming in her wide eyes, but she was doing everything not to let them fall.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. I saw dozens of people running up to us, giving me or Dalia strange looks.

Someone grabbed my arms from behind, pulling me away from the bitch and locking my arms behind me. Multiple people pulled up Dalia, supporting her weight and glaring at me.

"There's a rule in this pack!" A guy yelled, who I recognized as Mario, glancing between me and Dalia. "You do not harm another pack member!"

"Well guess what!" I growled, ripping my arms away from the person holding them and stepping up to Christian's beta. He stared back down, not showing any emotion. God, why is he taking her side? She's the one who attacked me first and provoked me! It's her fault!

"I'm not part of this pack. Go and ask your alpha." I spat, stepping back again. Mario glanced down at me, something of what I thought was sympathy hidden behind his eyes.

I swear, another person who tries to sympathize with me is going to get a worse fate than Dalia. Mario better wipe off that look right now.

You sound like a cranky mother during shark week. Evangeline rudely scolded.

"Ugh!" I yelled, stomping away. People stared, completely stunned or shocked. They should be! I mean, Dalia provoked me and I get in trouble? Except I'm not part of this stupid pack! What the hell?

I walked towards the edge of the forest, the whole time debating on whether I should shift. I mean, it would feel extremely  good right now, but I don't know these forests and the fact that Bella's mate belongs to a group of rogues surrounding the borders isn't exactly comforting.

Please? She whined in my head.

You were just insulting me!

Ok! Sorry! Please?

I guess it wouldn't hurt to run for a little while. I mean, I'll know when I've left Bade boundaries, and nobody will be wanting me for a while, so I'll be fine.

I let Evangeline take control, all of my bones cracking and reforming into those of a wolve's; I've gotten so used to this now that the pain that first came with shifting is gone.  I guess I just pushed away the pain, but then again I guess I do that with all pain.

Where my human body was stood, was now an an enigmatic white wolf with light grey tips. My blue eyes had turned a bright yellow and my legs and arms were replaced with paws. Now, Evangeline has total control over my body, except for my head. Lets just hope she doesn't get us lost. Again.

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