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That night I had gone straight to our room, changing into a tank top and pajama pants. Thankfully they weren't too revealing, because I do not need Christian to see that right now.

I climbed into the bed, bundling up in the black covers before pulling out my phone. Honestly I was tempted to call Lucas and Gabe, see how things are, but I remember that I tried to call them a few times earlier and it went straight to voicemail. Hayley wasn't picking up either, so I have no clue as to what is happening.

The door slowly creeped open, revealing a tired man. Christian stepped in, instantly pulling off his shirt and throwing it into a hamper.

"You're in early," I commented. It's only ten thirty, and I know he always stays out later than this. He grunted, digging through the drawers. He came out with a pair of boxers before entering the bathroom without another word. Well okay then.

I grew bored and began scrolling through Instagram. Most of my followers were people from my old pack and some from this one, all somewhere close to my age. Nothing has happened, according to my old friends' pictures, but then again they're not really of high ranking, so of course they wouldn't know.

In the distance I heard the shower head shut off, and in less than a minute Christian reappeared wearing nothing but boxers. I couldn't  help but admire the fact they hung dangerously low, exposing the 'v' that stood out below his abs.

Slowly and sluggishly, he climbed into the bed, and before I knew it, I was pulled against him. His face was buried in my hair, deep breaths making my neck tingle.

"Christian are you okay?" I asked, but the only reply I got was another grunt. "Do you want to talk?" Again, a grunt.

"Are you just going to act like a caveman all night or actually talk to me?" This time he groaned, the deep velvet of his voice muffled by my hair and the pillow.

"Shhh, I'm trying to sleep." He muttered.

"Well I want to know what's wrong," I insisted.

"Nothing is wrong." He lied. I could feel the guilt he felt as he lied, which must be pretty strong too if I can feel it.

" You're lying." I sucked in a breath, holding it as I waited for his reply.

There was silence for what seemed like the longest time, and the thought of him ignoring me or sleeping crossed my mind.

If he doesn't want to tell me, then it's obviously about the thing he was talking about with Nancy. Why is it that she gets to know and I don't? I am his mate after all, and if I'm gonna be luna, I outta know something this big.

"Christian, you have to tell me." I whispered. No reply, yet again. "Fine."

Quietly I turned off my phone, staring into the dark room. Nothing was visible, not even the edge of the bed. It was dark and silent and creepy, even with my mate went right next to me. The only things I could feel was the soft comforter and strong arms wrapped around my waist. Steady breaths casually sent tingles down my neck and spine. It's amazing what a simple breath can do to me.

Eventually, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier, slowly sliding down until I couldn't keep them open, and then the darkness consumed me entirely.

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