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"Alena," someone whispered, shaking me gently. No I don't want to wake up... Let me sleep forever.

"Don't disturb my peace, peasant." I mumbled, turning around and smashing my face in the pillow. The hands grasped my shoulders, sending pleasurable tingles throughout my body. Oh, it's Christian.

The events of last night rushed into my head. Bella and her little thing with sneaking in, and Christian knew I had the nightmare. He slept with me, and not in that way, just held me while I fell asleep. And not once that night did the dream occur once more.

Maybe it's because he's our mate, stupid. Evan said sarcastically.

"Come on, we need to go," he pleaded.

"No," I groaned, slapping at a hand blindly and trying to force myself back to sleep.

"Fine," Christian sighed, "This is on you."

Before I knew anything my body was flipped over, my hands pinned above my head with Christian hovering on top of me. A smirk was wide as he leaned down and started kissing my neck slowly.

"Hey!" I whisper yelled, moving my head and trying to pull away. My hands were glued down to the bed as were his lips to my neck. My cheek grazed his stubble, scratching itself but not really hurting a lot.

I felt his teeth lightly graze the spot on my neck where I should be marked. He kissed it lightly, and for a moment I thought he was  preparing to bite. But no, he only kissed it and moved on to other places instead.

I had to say, this felt pretty amazing. His kisses were soft and slow. They felt good, like little explosions, pleasurably exciting yet annoying all the same.


Slowly, he pulled away, a sexy smirk on his face. I glared and pushed him off. He fell next to me, twisting his head to stare at me.

"You wouldn't get up." He smiled, climbing off the bed and pulling me with.

"Mutt." I muttered, knowing he would hear it.

"You've got twenty minutes. Hurry up." He turned around. "And dress nice."

Groaning loudly, I watched as Christian left, closing the door and leaving me alone.

I showered quickly, picking out a white shirt, black high waisted skirt, a red blazer, and some black flats. My hair was blow dried to its natural curls and I put on some mascara and eyeliner. That should be good enough, right?

"Alena!" Bella's voice called through my door. She gonna want to talk about last night. I don't really have a problem with it, I just kinda want to know where she went and why she freaked when I walked in.

I opened the door, seeing my friend with her red hair in a bun and a large sweater and leggings on.

"Listen, I just need to talk about-"

"You ready?" Christian walked up from behind, a serious expression on. He was dressed nice too, wearing suit pants and a white button up with the sleeves tucked at his elbow. His hair was gelled up and the stubble was shaved. Aw, I liked that too.

Bella's face turned the color of a tomato before bowing her head respectively.


Christian nodded, jerking his head for me to follow him.

"Talk later, okay?"

Bella nodded and I left, closing the door and rushing down the stairs to find Christian. He was standing at the bottom, waiting.

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