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Above is Bella.


I sat in my bed, waiting for Hayley to pick up so that I could face time. Suddenly she picked up, smiling wildly while an energetic three year old played with a bunch of toys behind.

"Hey Lena!" She chirped.


"Jacob! Auntie Ally is here!"

I heard a loud thump and tiny feet shuffle over. Suddenly Jacob's tiny face popped up on the screen, a grin spread widely as he waved a tiny finger.

"Mommy she's not here! She's in the phone!" Jacob pointed at the camera, the tiny finger taking up the view.

Deciding to play along, I started to quietly scream. "Jacob help me! Mommy and daddy trapped me inside so I couldn't leave! You have to help me get out!"

"I will help you, Auntie Awwie!" He snatched the phone up and started tapping the screen.

"Jacob! Argh, Alena I am going to get you for this!" Hayley exclaimed.

She finally managed to grab it back, attacking Jacob in cute giggles.

"Hales!" Lucas' voice called. Something in his tone suggested that the thing he was gonna tell her wouldn't exactly brighten her day. I already knew my brother was half scared just from the tone of his voice, and he hardly gets scared.

Hayley stopped, placing Jacob back down and looking expectantly at my brother and her mate. I heard low murmurs, Hayley's once happy face now dark and scary.

"Uh, hey sis. Sorry we gotta cut this short, but love you. Say night Jake," Lucas called. What would be so serious that they had to go? What are they hiding from me?

"Bye Awwie!" Jacob gushed, waving into the camera.

"Bye Jake," I whispered, dropping the phone onto my tan bed sheets. The call ended seconds later, leaving me alone to figure out what exactly is happening back home.


That night I had the nightmare again, and needless to say it probably woke everyone up. This time, the rogue had brought me to the corpses of my parents, smiling murderously and repeatedly clawing at the dead bodies, ripping open my dad's shirt and plunging a set of deep claws into his chest.

I clearly am not going back to sleep anytime soon, so instead I left the solitude of my bedroom and wandered around the large pack house. I knew where the office and the kitchen was, and of course where mine and Christian's rooms were, but other than that I had forgotten. Plus, we had only went through half the house, and I bet the other half would be interesting.

Wandering along, I heard distant jingling, like someone was trying to unlock a door or open it. Walking into the dark living room, I saw someone quietly opening the door, slipping off a jacket and cradling something close to their chest. Instantly my defense mode kicked in, thinking it was a trespasser, and I dashed at it, going for the tackle.

"Hey!" The person screeched. It was a girls voice, but when I got a whiff of her scent I instantly recognized her as the girl I met earlier.

"Bella?" I asked, looking down into the face.

"Yeah! Ow!" I apologized and  climbed off, helping her up.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, watching her reach up to something around her neck. A glittering jewel caught my eye, and for a second I thought she went out to a club or something.

"Oh, I uh..." I gave her a weird look. Did she do something bad? "It's ok! I just went out to get some air and...alright it's a long story. Just hear me out and-"

"Listen, Bella, it's alright, just tell me in the morning or something." I smiled, glancing back behind the door to see the black sky.

Before she could object, I backed away into the dark hallway, running up the stairs and into my room. I swear I could hear her curse to herself. What exactly was she sneaking in from and why was she so flustered about it? I mean, nothing can be that bad about sneaking out to a club or party, can it?

Great, now I'm stuck in my room, with no food and nothing to do. I got bored of my phone and I'm not in a reading mood, and I'm damn well not going to sleep again. This is usually the part when I would just go for a run, but I don't know if I'm even allowed to here.

Lets go see Christian! Evan gushed, envisioning our sleepy mate.

Yeah and have him all pissy at me, no way mutt, I thought to her, moving to the comfortable window seat and staring out across the fields. Just at the edge of the forest, I saw a crappy jail, the jail I stayed in. Innocent people are stuck there right now, and while I'm enjoying my time here they're cold and hungry.

I need to talk to Christian about it tomorrow, or today, whatever the time is. People shouldn't be imprisoned in such harsh conditions, and he'll have to listen to me because I stayed there.

At that moment a light knock, almost like a tap sounded at my door. I froze, my eyes glued to the door as the handle turned and in popped someone. It was too dark to see who, but the scent told me exactly who.

"How did you know I was awake?" I asked quietly, watching the buff figure retreat towards me. He crouched down so that we were eye level.

"I can sense it when you're upset." Christian whispered, pulling me into his arms and placing me on the comfy bed.

I forgot that mates could do that. Maybe that's why I could feel some of the anger Christian felt when he beat up Matthew.

"I'm fine," I lied, sitting up. He shook his head and sat down on the edge, swinging one leg over and tucking the other under him. Only now did I realize he's only wearing gray sweatpants. Christian's torso was showing, and honestly it wasn't bad to look at all.

"I can tell when you're lying too. Seriously, Alena. What happened?"

I don't want to tell him about my nightmares, I don't want him to see me as weak because I'm scared of some rogue. And explaining about the rogue means explaining about my parents, and now just isn't the time for that.

"It was just a bad dream, Christian." I stared into his silver eyes which glowed oddly against the dark.

Sighing, he scooped me up in his arms, laying down to face the plain roof. My body was tucked close to his, sparks flying everywhere.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-yelled, squirming to try and get out of his warm arms. I swear this guy is the Hulk or something.

"If you won't tell me, I'll just stay here with you. Simple enough." Christian shrugged, looking down at me and smirking. "Plus, I know you like it anyways, kitten." He whispered, leaning down slowly and kissing the top of my head.

"Whatever." I grumbled. So what if he's right?

So, that night I fell asleep with Christian holding me, and for once, the dream didn't continue on. Instead, the sleep was dreamless, perfect and sweet.

What is this boy doing to me?

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