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The next morning I woke up really early. According to my intensely bright phone (I was blinded) it was 6:36, way too early for me. The sun was barely shining through the dark curtains, and although it looked light out, it was probably just fog.

One thing I didn't notice until now, however is that Christian is gone. His side of the bed is empty, the sheets tucked back up to cover my back. Where his strong arm was wrapped around my waist was just blankets, no sparks and warmth.

Where exactly would he be this early in the morning? And why am I not there? Like seriously, this boy is keeping too many secrets from me, in fact everyone is, and I really don't like it. It's not fair, I should be in on this huge secret. Or at least I think I should.

Not soon after I fell asleep again, too tired to get up and confront anybody.


The sound of soft rustling caused me to wake up, my eyes shakily adjusting to the dim light that now lit up the room. Something beside me sank, the covers rustling as they were moved to cover no one other than Christian.

I flipped over to face him, squinting at his blurry face. The light from the window was on this side,  so was temporarily blinded.

"Sorry," his voice whispered, a hand raising up to my cheek. My vision finally focused and I saw Christian with the messiest hair ever. Purple bags sat lightly under his eyes, which were too tired to portray any emotion.

"Where were you?" I croaked, my voice sounding like a dying duck's. He shook his head, kissed mine, and then lay down.

"I just want to stay here all fucking day. You should stay with me." He muttered. For a second I just sat there, propped up on my elbow and staring down at his face. Christian's  eyes were shut, and a five o'clock shadow was now on his face.

I reached up and put a thumb to his chin, shuddering at the sparks that flew immediately. His eyes remained shut, though his mouth slightly set itself ajar, as if a tiny gasp escaped his lips.

Slowly, I leaned forward, pressing my lips onto his gently, only for a second. The kiss wasn't one of those where we lick each others face off, it was simply my lips on top of his. Gentle, soft, and warm, nothing more than that, and damn it felt good!

I pulled back, laying back down by his side. What the hell did I just do?

We just lay there in silence, side by side, the sound of soft breathing the only sound in the room. My eyes were wide open, too awake to actually go back to sleep. Where exactly had Christian been? Where had he gone that required him up so early in the morning?

Of course I'm not getting these answers anytime soon, I know that for a fact, but it doesn't mean I won't quit trying. Hell, I'll keep bugging him until he breaks or something.

Quietly I got up, running to the bathroom with a pile of clothes in hand. Stripping down, I turned on the warm water and climbed in. The water cascaded down my back perfectly, waking me up with each passing second.

After I exited, I got dressed in some black leggings and a really big gray sweater with a pink sunset and heart on it. The inside was fluffy, perfectly comfortable and cute.

By now it was already noon, and Christian was still lying down in the bed. Lazy ass.

Oh come on, he looks adorable right now!

He's sleeping, he looks normal,  I argued, watching his chest fall slowly and rise back up.

I know you think it's adorable, I mean who wouldn't? Then again, only we are going to see this so.... Yeah.

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