twenty eight

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"You're gonna kill him."

Yes. Those are the four words every girl wants to hear. Not, "Will you marry me?"or "Congratulations, you're a mother!". Nope, we women want to hear about the plan to murder irritating men who seem to be ruining our lives completely.

"Will it be messy?" I questioned, raising a sarcastic eyebrow in hopes to lighten the mood. Yeah, I've just been informed that I'm going to be a murderer, and I may die in the process, but hey, what's a little bit of tension without humor to lighten things up?

He rolled his eyes and stood up from the chair. With one quick gesture in his hand, the computer was off and his phone was stuffed away in his pocket. Things were still, like an untouched lake in the middle of a forest. It cast an eerie loom over the office. Dark, chestnut colered chairs and the desk appeared seemingly darker. The light brown paneling and stain glass windows only made things look older, adding to the feeling of the room. It felt much like a creepy church from the fifteenth century, when everything was dark and gloomy.

"I'm gonna get you in, you'll kill the mutt, and I'll get you out." Christian shrugged. His face appeared somber, yet hidden in the grey eyes I could see the pain, the anger, and the brutality.

He's not afraid to kill. I know he isn't, and he will do it as easily as taking a breath. It's a part of Christian, a part that may be scary, but makes him, him. The fact that he will murder rogues is terrifying, but they chose the wrong side, the wrong pack to mess with.

"More details, Mr. Bade,"

"Alright, you wanna hear the entire plan?" He asked, leaning over the desk. The shiirt he sported was extremely loose. I could see down his shirt, much the way a man could if a girl leaned forward. Muscles and more muscles filled my entire vision, and for a second I couldn't even remember what was happening. Inside, Evangeline was screaming, both her excitement and my own too much for the both of us.

Ugh. I hate this whole mate thing.

Christian smirked and stood up, the abs disappearing. Aww...

He slipped away from behind the desk, walking towards me with a little bounce in his step. That cocky asshole probably just got his ego boosted ten percent more. As if it weren't enough to handle now!

He grabbed my hands, pulling me from the comfy seat and into his chest. Christian held me against him, the arms linking behind my back gently. Pleasurable tingles shot through my entire body, making both me and my wolf extremely ecstatic.

"Someone's a little sensual today, isn't she?" He whispered seductively. My insides charred from the sudden emotions that were attacking my body. Confusion, love, inferiority, maybe even lust...

He only smirked wider and leaned down, pressing his lips below my own and onto my neck. His soft kisses felt like feathers on my skin, like butterfly wings flapping.

He gently moved downwards, until he hit my mark. Squirming, I was a little taken aback as he gently nibbled. I mean, I know it's something the mates do all the time, but someone had told me that they do it when they want to.. go further.

I bit my lip, not wanting to give him total satisfaction by letting out the moan that overcame me. If I do, then that'll boost his ego even higher and leave me and the pack in a dilemma. Cocky alpha could mean anything. Especially with a powerful one like Christian Bade.

The moan I've been suppressing let itself escape, making the ecstasy coursing through my body known. So much for trying to keep it in.

He chuckled and removed his hands from waist. They trailed down, all the way to the hem of my shirt and slipping up beneath it. Christians warm hands glided up my torso, inching closer and closer to my bra. He lifted his head from my neck and leaned in, pressing his lips on mine roughly.

Quickly he moved the both of us to the wall, my back pressed up against it. Our lips moved against each other, almost hungry. My hands roamed up the soft fabric of the shirt and into the dark tangles of hair, locking my hands into it. The soft tufts of hair tangled between my fingers, pulling him closer to me. Our bodies were pressed against each other, and the electricity flying between us shocking. Literally.

But of course, all good things just have to go to an end.

Screams erupted from outside, either from inside the mansion or in the fields surrounding it. Women screaming for their pups, men shouting orders to anyone available. I could hear nasty snarls and howls, definitely not from our pack.

Chris pulled back, Giving me one hesitant look before darting towards the door.

"Cmon!" He yelled, dashing outside the office and into the red hallway. I ran after, and when he disappeared, I followed his scent all the way outside.

Inside, I saw people rushing about in a panic. Children were ushered away until no wolf under the age of fifteen could be seen. The remaining pack members dashed outside, either to help or to see what was happening.

Rogues are attacking the western border and invading our pack land. I want all available wolves out there now and ready to fight.

Christians words boomed inside my head like he was on a microphone. His voice was angry and heated, no doubt from the rogues having taken him by surprise.

If only we had discussed the plan sooner.

My body pushed itself through dozens of people, heading outside into the bright sunlight. It's odd that they would attack in the day, instead of at night when it would be an even bigger surprise. What possesses an unready and small group of rogues to suddenly attack without qualifying numbers or maybe even experience? Something has to be wrong on their side. It had to be a last minute attack.

Guess we're gonna find out.

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