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Above is Christian Bade.


"Fine." I breathed out, glaring all around the room, avoiding his intense gaze. My wolf was pleased with all of the attention from him, but I wasn't. All I wanted was to get away and talk to my brothers. Maybe they could help me with this, but then again they can't change the fact that we're mates.

"Good, kitten, cause we're leaving now." He stepped back, turning on his heel and slipping out the door swiftly and silently.

"Wait, what's your name?" I called out. A handsome face popped back in.

"Christian." He smirked and slipped back out, no glance back, no help, nothing, it was like I suddenly turned invisible. Like I wasn't important, like he couldn't sense the fact that I didn't know how exactly to get out of this house?

Sighing, I jumped off the smooth desk and opened the door, quietly sliding out and into the long hallway. The floor was lined with a nice red carpet and multiple golden chandeliers  illuminated it, giving it a professional but relaxed feeling. Flowers and portraits of men and women lined the walls, activating my childish curiosity. Were they previous leaders? Or were they pack members?

I tried opening doors to see if I could find a way out. Usually, I would have paid more attention but my mate's scent was more than a little distracting. At least I knew that I was on the first floor; I don't remember being lugged up any stairs, so thats somewhat good.

Each door seemed to either lead to a guest room, hangout, or the kitchen. So far I've encountered a few wolves, who glared or ignored me. One group however, decided to interact.

"Who the fuck are you?" A guy growled, clenching his fists as multiple others backed him up. He was pretty tall and muscular, with dirty blonde hair and black eyes now taking over the once blue ones. He didn't smell of high ranking, which means he'll be easy to take out.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. Like hell he'd hurt me if he knew who I was, but then again I don't want to flaunt it; I'm not exactly proud.

"Just tell me how to get out of here and no one gets hurt." I smirked at the guys' reaction. They laughed, thinking they could take me down easily.

"You're funny, rogue." He spat, stepping forward and towering over me.

"No, you're funny!"

I swing my fist upwards, finding the target with a sickening crunch. That'll hurt. Quickly, I kneed him in his balls and kicked him over when he crouched down. Another guy came at me, being tall but with muscles smaller than blondie.

Dodging his sloppy fist, I stuck a leg out and tripped him, watching the kid fall over onto his face. I looked up from his sorry ass and watched the remaining two scatter away.

"Yeah that's right!" I shouted, giving both men a death glare before turning on my heel and walking out of the room.

The next few minutes were just me walking back down the hallway, trying multiple doors until I opened one I wished I never did. My stomach sickened at the sight and anger bubbled up in me so fast I could've broken his fucking face right there.

There, sitting on the couch with some girl on his lap, sat my mate, sucking face like it was any other day.

"What the actual hell?" I shouted, slamming the door back angrily.

The two both looked up, the girl glared, but Christian just looked expressionlessly at me. So he thinks he can just go and makeout with some chick while I'm getting pushed around by his pack? No fucking way!

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