twenty five

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After seeing Bella for the first time in weeks, I didn't feel satisfied. Not as I expected to be when I finally find out the truth. In fact, the entire way back to the house, I felt stressed and confused and stupid.

She changed. She evolved into something else, somethings that wasn't her, and I couldn't even see the real Bella. It's like the rogues had possessed her, then threw away cheerful Bella.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"Are you okay, Luna?" I heard a man ask. I looked up to see Mario standing a few feet away. He stayed far back, actually, as if I were diseased or something. Maybe it's because Christian would kill any guy if they did so much as talk to me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I muttered, tugging on my sweatshirt sleeves. He gave me a skeptical look.

"Well, Alpha Bade wants to talk to you," I nodded.

"Thanks, Mario." He nodded, then walked towards the game room.

Do I want to talk to Christian though? I mean, yes, I should apologize. I shouldn't have acted like that or anything, but still. I'm still shaken, no matter how much I've heard about his ruthless killings.

Talk to him! Whined Evan. I don't want Tobias mad at me!

Wait who's Tobias?

He's Christians wolf. I can hear his thoughts, now that we're officially luna, and I talk to Tobias all day long. She sighed dreamily. Well.

Sighing, I began the walk to his office. One left out of the common room, down the well decorated hall and to the right, then another right and two doors down. I've got that room practically memorized by now.

I knocked, waiting for him to reply. Sure enough, he did, and I entered slowly.

Christians head shot up from the papers on his desk.

"Hey," I said, staying by the door.

"Hey," he said back. I watched as Christian stood up and walked around the desk. "Listen, I know I scared you, and I'm sorry -"

"Christian, it's fine. I mean I overreacted. It's cool, I get it. You were just trying to help me."

I wanted to suddenly end the conversation. It felt awkward, and just admitting nothing was wrong and I'm and drama queen kinda sucks. Not to mention it's hard as well.

"Listen, if that was it..."

"No." Christian interrupted. "I want you to listen to me." His face darkened as he stepped closer to me. Eyes almost as dark as midnight and angrier than a raging typhoon.

The atmosphere changed drastically at those words. Instead of a remorseful and caring aura, the air was seemed more tense and dark. Something isn't right, and I have a feeling I'm gonna find out right now.

"From now on, you need to stay inside. I can't have you walking outside without somebody to accompany you-"

Instantly, I had many objections to his new rules. "You mean babysit me!"

Christian bit his lip. "Look, I know you don't want to do this, but its for your safety that it has to be done."

I watched him as he stalked back behind his desk and sat down. Hands folded above the smooth, dark wood, he stared me straight in the eye.

"You will stay inside." His wolf seemed to be in control now. The air of his words carried high respect. After all, he is an alpha.

"And what if I don't?" I mutter. Inside, Evan was begging for me to go along with it, but no one, not even Christian, is going to tell me what to do.

"Let's just hope we won't ever have to find out."

Those were his final words. The conversation, which had started out as an apology, had turned miraculously dark and commanding. In a second, Christian changed from sincerely sorry to demanding and possessive, and those are two traits I don't ever like to deal with. Even if it is from my mate.

I left the room, still irritated from the conversation.

"We'll see about that, alpha." I muttered, glancing back at the door. Maybe he heard me.

I hope he heard me.

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