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Chapter Eight: Anxiety.

Biology class was right around the corner. Summer was nervous, tense, but even that was an understatement. She knew that she wasn't going to be talking to the boy with curly chestnut brown hair, but the thought of being in the same room as him, breathe the same air as he made her feel so unrestful.

The room was small and neat, but it was alright. The boy studied Summer, taking her in slowly as she stepped inside the room nervously, and found her seat. He felt his heart skip a beat. He thought she was the most beautiful and precious girl he had ever seen. Her long brown hair framed her face and hang freely down her back. The sun hit her face perfectly and made her blue eyes seem lighter when in truth they were just as sad as his. The boy was scared just like Summer to take the first step, to say a simple hi. It sounded easy, but it wasn't. That word held so much more significance than they both wanted it to.

Summer found it hard to catch her breath. She was so scared, she knew it was him. He made her feel so nervous. Her breaths came out in short gasps. She tried to get her anxiety under control, but before she could proceed it, she ran out the door and towards the girls restroom. The teacher had asked where she was going, but she ignored it. Summer didn't get that long as she let herself slide down the front of a grey locker in the hallway until she hit the cold hard floor.

She felt as if her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Inhale she inhaled, exhale she exhaled. Summer repeated the action until she felt like she could finally catch her own breath again. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the locker and listened to the sound of pure silence.


Soo.. This chapter is longer obviously, but NO this doesn't mean they all are. You got a look into 'the boys' head and well basically this was a "scene" and not just Summers feelings and thoughts. You'll see more to these - seeing as were getting longer into the story and well we need some action!

What do you think the boy's name is? hehehe if you think this through, you'll know. ^^

Also: We hit 1k reads guys!! Thank you so much, you don't know how much I appreciate it!<3

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