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Chapter Fourteen: Hello.

The next day went by in a blur. Summer had one class left and then she could finally leave this burden. When she opened her locker, books fell to the ground. Startled, she sighed and crouched down to grab her textbooks and what so else. Students walked down the hallway, laughing and Summer knew why,

It was her. People were laughing at her.

She closed her eyes for a brief minute when she could feel someones presence beside her. She slowly opened her eyes, scared that it was someone who wanted to make her life a tiny more worse. But it wasn't. Instead, she was met with the most beautiful amber eyes. And it didn't take her a second to realize who it was. It was the boy she had biology with.

Her breath hitched in her throat and her lips parted as their eyes held each others gaze. Summer felt like she could see his whole life just by looking into his sad eyes. They had lost their color, but when his eyes looked into hers it was like the hue was slowly finding its way back.

"Hi, I'm Winter."

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