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Chapter Twenty Five: Untold.

"W-Winter?" Her eyes bulged, nearly popping out of their sockets at the sight of him at her porch.

"I'm sorry for coming here out of the blue," Winter apologized. "I-I had nowhere else to go." All the color had drained from his face, only leaving the sight of a broken boy. How does he know where I live? She pushed the thought away and opened the front door wider.

Winter seemed surprised that she actually let him into her humble home. Summer smiled shyly and stepped aside so that he could walk inside. She studied his actions for a little. It looked like he was in an inner conflict with himself, but what about?

"S-Sorry about the m-mess." Summer suddenly felt embarrassed. Winter didn't seem to mind however. Out of sudden something caught his attention. He slowly walked over to where the shattered glass was in the living room and held onto the frame with both his hands.

"Who's that?" He asked, pointing at the sixteen year old boy in the picture. Whole Summer's body froze, leaving her lips parted.

"I-It's uhm.." She trailed off.

He realized she wasn't going to say anything. "You don't have to tell me. It's fine." He smiled and placed the picture on the coffee table.

"How did you know where I live?"

"The school," He simply stated. She frowned, "B-But they aren't allowed to give out personal information to students," She questioned.

"I just came up with an excuse." He smirked. "Must've been a good one then," Muttered Summer under her breath. He chuckled softly, making Summer's heart beat faster.

"Why are you here?" Summer crossed her arms, looking down at the wooden floor.

"I-I'm not sure." He ran his hands through his curly chestnut brown hair, looking everywhere but at Summer. She felt hurt, knowing that he didn't want to tell her.

There was a reason he was there, but that reason was untold.

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