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Chapter Thirty: Friend.

Summer was putting her books into her locker. It was still light outside, the perks of spring. There were no clouds at the sky, showing off a perfect blue upper atmosphere. Summer loved spring, it was always so calming. Summer flinched when she heard a comforting voice ask,

"Do you maybe wanna hang out or something?" It was Winter. He was looking down at the innocent girl, with the most marvelous amber eyes. Summer didn't know how to answer. Did she want to hang out? Definitely. Was she awkward? Hell yeah.

She started playing with her small fingers nervously, looking around and swallowed her nervosity away. She had butterflies in her stomach. The boy was looking at her awaiting an answer.

Summer nodded as she bit her lip. A wide smile found its way onto Winter's face when he proceeded the answer.


Awwwww.. Right? RIGHT! Lol, I was listening to Christmas songs as I wrote this lol and it's only November but who gives a shit right? MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, TIME TO PARTIES AND CELEBRATIONS LALAALA. Sorry.

As informed; Updating will be damn quick as I wanna finish this and I don't even know why such a rush, but yeah. c:

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