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I posted two chapters today. Make sure to read this chapter before you read ch. thirty four. 

Chapter Thirty Three: Hug.

They sat together at lunch now, trading food. His orange for her raisins. They sat together in biology too, they were a good team. They talked, laughed and talked a bit more. For the first time in three years, Summer was happy.

"Careful," He whispered delicately into her ear. She smiled and laughed a little to herself. Winter was currently covering her eyes with his large hands. It was quiet, no sounds made except for the sound of their shoes against the floor. It surprised Summer just how fast they had become friends, and how fast she had been comfortable around the boy. Not a minute later, Winter uncovered her eyes.

Summer was welcomed with the sight of bright lights everywhere, mini people and mini cars driving through the city. They were on a rooftop, she realized. She let her eyes wander around. There were pretty flowers hanging a bit everywhere. Candles on the ground, splattered around the whole rooftop. It was dark outside, stars at the dark blue sky, and it looked.. 


Had he done this? Why? It was beautiful to the point it made Summer's eyes water. Someone had done something for her just to see her smile. 

"You did this?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer. Winter nodded nervously, fiddling with his fingers. He licked his lips very slowly, and Summer couldn't help but stare. She wondered how they felt against hers. Wait, what? Scratch that. 

She didn't feel the need to ask why so instead she just said, "Thank you," Her sweet voice grateful. 

"You're welcome Summer," He replied as he ran a hand through his curly chestnut brown hair. He did that a lot. Summer liked the sound of her name coming from his lips. "I used to come here a lot when I was younger." He told her, sadness taking over his features. He didn't look happy anymore, he just looked sad with a little fire inside him that you never saw.

"Why?" Summer suddenly asked, without thinking. It was clearly a topic that wasn't supposed to be spoken. Winter's amber eyes had lost that little color they had gotten over the few weeks they had been together. It was replaced by sadness and fury. 

"My dad is an alcoholic. He beats me up, makes my life miserable. This was the only place where I could forget." His shoulders slumped down. The girl realized just how broken the boy in front of her was. She could relate to that. His dad hit him? Why would anyone hit someone as wonderful as Winter? She couldn't believe her own ears. She felt mad, all over.

Deciding to change the subject, she asked, "Why don't you come here anymore?"

"I don't know. I just stopped, I guess." He shrugged. 

Summer smiled sadly at Winter. However what took her by surprise even more than his revelation was when she walked closer to him and pulled him into a warm hug, letting him know that she was here for him and she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.

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