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Above is showed Summer's dress. I absolutely love it! And also listen to 'Edwin McCain - I'll be' to get the feels. c:

Chapter Forty One: Prom.

Whole her body was shaking with anxiety. Today was the day, Summer was going to prom. She had just finished her hair and makeup. It was quite natural with a light eye shadow, eyelashes coated in dark blue mascara, pink blush on her rosy cheeks, and of course a soft red lipstick that completed the look entirely. She was wearing her mom's favorite earrings and necklace, just for her. She'd wish her parents were here to see her on this very day. And Noah too. She could imagine him in a black tuxedo, holding her hand as he told her how beautiful she was.

But Summer was going to move on, just like he'd told her to. She was going to walk away from the bad, and move on to the good. School was finally over. Summer was going to study Psychology at the community college. She was excited, but scared too. This was her way onto a new path, a better and greater path.

Summer was pulled out of her room of thoughts when the doorbell rang. Her aunt was working, so she was home alone. Winter had informed he'd be picking her up at eight o'clock. Summer inhaled and exhaled a deep breath, looked at herself in the mirror one last time and walked downstairs. She'd decided to wear a pair of white ballerinas, so she wouldn't fall on her ass. As she descended the staircase and opened the door, Winter's mouth went agape and his amber eyes lit up completely.

"Y-You look.." Stuttered Winter. "You look ravishing." He smiled, and looked Summer up and down. Blood raced to her already rosy cheeks, as she bit her bottom lips shyly.

"T-Thanks," She said. "You don't look so bad yourself." Chuckling, she couldn't help her wandering eyes.

Winter was wearing black flannel slacks paired with a white button down and a black blazer. And let's not forget the black dress shoes. His hair was styled nicely and his amber eyes had never looked brighter. He looked really hot and Summer wasn't embarrassed to admit that.

"Your corsage." He brought the corsage out of its box. With white roses and a peach colored ribbon, it matched Summer's dress.

"Thank you." Smiled Summer as Winter put it around her wrist.

Afterwards, hand in hand they walked towards Winter's truck. As they drove towards the school, they made small talk and hummed to the songs playing on the radio.

When they arrived, they went inside. The hall was decorated with white and black colors. The two of them danced, laughed, talked and repeated.

A slow song started playing as the two of them moved closer to each other. Summer was sure her heart was going to beat out of her chest. As she put her arms around his neck, and his went around her waist, they swayed to the left and right. Summer rested her head on Winter's chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

"I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

Summer closed her eyes, and Winter rested his head on top of hers.

"I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above."

"You're so beautiful Summer," Murmured Winter to Summer. His hold on her waist was tight, but not in a bad way. He sang along to the song into Summer's ear softly, as she kept her eyes closed. Sighing in content, she listened to the sound of his joyful voice.

When the song ended, Winter took Summer's hand in his and dragged her with him to the entrance. It wasn't cold outside, nor warm. He kept walking with Summer behind him who was utterly confused.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worry lingering in her voice.

"It's hard for me to say. P-Please be patient," He answered, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly. Sighing, Winter muttered something under his breath.

"I-I'm leaving," He told the beautiful, shy girl in front of him. If she could even be more confused, she replied, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that.." He looked directly into Summer's eyes. "I'm leaving."

Summer understood now. Winter was leaving. He was leaving her too, just like everyone else had. Her eyes started to water. "Why?" It hurt Winter to hurt Summer like he was.

"I'm joining the army. I don't want to end up like my dad, I just can't. College isn't for me either, and I just can't stay here and watch my dad walk closer and closer to death." He shook his head as he tried to explain to Summer. It was hard enough for him to explain, but he knew it had to be done. All color had drained from her face, only leaving the sight of tears running down her cheeks.

"Y-You're leaving me.." Summer confirmed shakily as she took a few steps back. Winter took a few steps towards her and before the girl knew it, she had her back up against the wall, no way to escape. Winter's face just inches away from Summer's. His body was so close to hers. The innocent girl could feel Winter's breath on her neck. They held each others gaze.

"I would never leave you." His eyes were on her lips. "I wouldn't dare to." Summer didn't say anything, she couldn't find words. Intimacy was hanging in the air. Winter drew his head closer to hers, waiting for a response. When she didn't turn away, he took it as a good sign. His nose nuzzled with hers, as her lips parted and a few nervous breaths escaped her full lips.

Soon she felt his soft and tender lips against hers. It was as fireworks exploding between the two, like the sun finally coming out from behind the dark clouds. Slowly closing her eyes, she savored the feel of him. Her arms went around his neck, and his around her waist in a secure hold. He made her feel special and loved. The kiss was gentle. Summer could feel the love in the kiss, as their lips moved together in sync. She felt one of Winter's hands come up to cup her cheek. It was as if there was no one else in the world than the two of them, all the worries and problems in the world was gone. They had drowned in the midst of Winter's and Summer's lips molded together with a heated passion.

His lips left hers. "It's going to be okay," He whispered.


DAMN! That was a real freaking long chapter. I just didn't want to cut it down, I felt like this should have its own long chapter. So how are you feeling? THEY FINALLY KISSED! But what about Winter joining the army? Like what the fuck dude, you can't just leave her. But then again, it's my own fault hehehe. ^^ I have virgin lips, so it was kinda hard to write the last part - do you think it was okay?c:

It isn't the end yet! There's still a chapter more left. <3

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