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Chapter Thirty Six: Love.

She loved his company, maybe a little too much. Summer was afraid of where this would lead to in the end. She wasn't ready to have her heart broken again.

"Why do you live with your aunt?" Winter asked. He knew it was a hard subject for Summer, but it's been nagging him at the back of his mind in a long time. Summer avoided his gaze, and looked down at her lap. She was playing with her fingers again, Winter proceeded. She was nervous. There was an empty silence for a while.

"M-My parents, they uhm.." She didn't know how to express herself. "T-They died. In a car accident." A tear escaped her eye, and then more and more started to escape. Winter got up from his seat on the bench and walked over to Summer. He sat down beside her and hugged her tightly. He knew how it felt to lose a parent, but he never lost two. Still, it hurt. Summer cried into Winter's neck, as he held her tightly to himself.

"It's okay to cry. I know how it feels," Winter whispered in her ear softly as they swayed from the left to the right. No words were said as they just hugged each other in the cold spring at the park.

Winter realized something that day; He really, really liked Summer so much to the point he didn't think he actually only liked her.

He loved her.

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