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Chapter Twenty Four: Endless.

He wanted her to move on. But how was she supposed to move on? She couldn't just erase him from her past and her memories. Noah knew he was dying, and he never told her. Summer gulped, feeling like there was a sea of flames in her throat. They raced through her body, 'till they exploded into an endless fire in her stomach.

How could he? He left me without saying goodbye, he left me with a goddamn letter. She angrily thought. I hate him so much.

Taking the closest thing to her, she threw a framed picture across the room. Summer heard the glass shatter, and her body started shaking uncontrollably. Breathe, breathe. She inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Her body finally relaxed and her muscles untensed.

And that's when she heard the doorbell ring.

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