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Chapter Thirty Nine: Picnic.

Summer and Winter had seemed to hit it off perfectly. They enjoyed each others company. I guess you could call them friends. Maybe even best friends? Anyhow Winter was nervous, mentally sweating buckets. There was one week and a half to prom, and he wanted to invite Summer. Senior year was soon over, and what could be more perfect than inviting the girl you had a colossal crush on? 

They hadn't been talking much over the past week, both too busy with the exams. But they talked over the phone every day at night, when the stars would be lightning the whole town up. Winter would be watching the stars shining bright as the sky got darker and darker. 

He waited outside her English class, knowing that Summer currently was sitting in there. He had a beautiful dark red rose in his shaking hand. Hearing people inside laughing and talking, he flinched when the door opened abruptly. Students filed out of the room, desperate to get through the hallways before they got stepped on. That's when he saw her. With her pretty dark hair that was in a braid and pale skin, he couldn't help but stare at her in awe. 

He ran up to her and put a hand on one of her shoulders. Summer swiftly turned around with warning eyes, but then smiled when she realized it was just Winter.

"Hi," Winter said, running a hand through his curly hair.

"Hey, you." Summer smiled, it made Winter's heart melt. 

"Um.. So I, uh.." He didn't know how to get the words out. Holding his hand out with the rose, he watched Summer carefully. He saw her gulp, but nonetheless she took the rose and muttered a thanks. He knew she was just nervous, she kinda always were.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked. "Only for the break, of course." Summer nodded and said, "I just have to get my books in my locker." The two of them walked over to her locker, she put her books inside and together they walked towards the little pond behind the school, that was hidden behind trees and bushes. It was a perfect place. The grass always seemed greener, and everything basically seemed lighter and more colorful. 

Summer gasped as she noticed a picnic basket and a nice classic red and white blanket. She chuckled quietly. 

"I hope it isn't too much," Winter said awkwardly as Summer shook her head no. They sat down and ate the warm pizza Winter had ordered. Nothing is better than a picnic with pizza, right?

When they finished, they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"I wanted to ask you something," Said Winter. The beautiful girl looked into the boy's eyes, "What is it?" 

He looked down in his lap, then looked back up into Summer's amazing blue eyes. 

"You want to go to prom - " His voice was shaking a little, "With me?" There was utter silence, but then a wide smile found its way onto Summer's face as she laughed loudly and answered, "I'd love to." 

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