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Chapter Twenty Nine: Focus.

The boy sprinted through the hallway, up the stairs and towards biology. Once again, he was late and he'd rather not have detention. But knowing his dumb teacher who loves to make the students life's miserable, he'd definitely get detention.

"I'm sorry, I'm late," Winter apologized as he opened the door. All the students eyes were on him, watching his every move. Except for one student. Looking down in her biology book, she played with her fingers under the table. She was so shy it hurt. She never seemed happy, she always looked sad. Something Winter definitely could relate to.

Without further notice, the teacher announced, "Detention Mr. Schneider." Winter rolled his eyes, and went to the back of the class to find his seat, which also happened to be behind the beautiful, shy girl, Summer. As the class went on, she suddenly turned around in her seat.

Lips slightly parted, blue eyes looking up from under her dark eyelashes, breathing shallow. She looked perfect. With a hand behind her back, Winter frowned. The beautiful girl smiled a little. She brought her hand up in front of her.

And there in her cute, petite hands with red polished nails were a book. Wuthering Heights.

A grateful smile found it's way onto Winter's face as he whispered a 'thank you,' earning a 'you're welcome' from the innocent girl in front of him. He took the book from her hands, looking at it curiously.

And so the girl turned around in her seat to focus on what the teacher was saying.

But Winter couldn't seem to focus on anything, but her.

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