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italics means that it's winter writing, bold means it's summer. Just wanted to clear that up. 

Chapter Twenty Eight: Messages.


5:00 p.m.

testing 1 2 3.. 


That's not random at all

Good late afternoon Summer :)

A wide smile lingered on Summer's face.

Afternoon Winter :D

You didn't happen to own a copy of Wuthering Heights do you?

Summer was taken by surprise as soon as she received the message. Did people still read these days? Well, she did. But usually people were too obsessed with their phones and whatsoever. Anyhow,

Yeah, I actually do. How did you know?

Magic ;) lol no I just guessed. Do you mind if I borrow it? I've been wanting to read it since forever

You can borrow it, I'll just bring it with me tmrw ;)

Sweet!! I'll see you in biology then

You sure will

Goodnight Summer..

Night Winter..


Boring chapter as fuck. It's just a filler, because I'm so damn busy right now with life. Never thought that I out of all people would be busy. I practically have no life. Whatever. Hope you enjoyed the chapter (even though it was boring) and I'll see you lateeeer!

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