A normal saturday ... not

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It was saturday morning and oh my god was I tired from the trip. Yes I did sleep for 3 hours on Maddy his shoulder but still I had almost no sleep the night before.

I woke up with this empty feeling. I think it was because I don't have my friends around me here to wake up next to and maybe also because I know Maddy is far away from me now or it was just because I'm super hungry.

Eating my breakfast was just normal. I was alone and eating some normal toast with butter, oh what did I miss my donut from the hotel in Disney. I hated it when I was alone in the house. It felt too quite without someone there except for me.

I headed upstairs and put on the shower so that the water could already become warm. I then went into my room to pick out an outfit. I chose a normal shirt and some black skinny jeans. I took a quick shower and dried my hair, put on some mascara and then went downstairs to play a bit on my phone.

After around an hour and a half I got bored of playing on my phone. No offense phone. I decided to call Sara, maybe she was free and we could do something fun. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"Waddup bitch?" She answered. I knew she would say that because that's how I always answer the phone when she calls me.

"Nothing much, just being totally bored. What about you?" I replied her polite question.

"I'm just hanging out with Andy and Maddy at the moment. You wanna come?" With hearing Maddy's I got a bit nervous because I'm scared he'll be acting different. I mean some people always say, what happened in ... stays in ..., what if that was the case in Disney? What if he wanted to forget it?

"Are you sure I'm not bothering then?" I asked unsure.

"Are you kidding me, Annie? I would love to have you around." This wasn't Sara's voice anymore but a deeper one. Maddy's voice.

"Oo..o..ok. Mmhh where are you guys?"

"We're at the mall, you know the ice cream shop. We'll wait for you here."

"I'll be there in 10"

I need to take the bus because I don't have a driving license yet but I don't mind. I can prepare myself of seeing Maddy again.

I looked down at my outfit and I only then realized that the sweater I quickly took to go out was the MRS sweater from Disney.

I got out of the bus and went to the ice cream shop. They had the best ice cream ever. I just can't even speak about it without drooling all over the place. I went inside and ordered a chocolate mint ice cream, they gave it to me and in the corner of the shop I see my tree lovely friends sitting. I walked to them and when Sara saw me she shot up from her chair.

"Finally, where have you been?" She asked.

"Dude, chill I was just getting some ice cream but the line was very long."

"Let me guess, chocolate mint?"

"Of course dummie." I said laughing.

I took place and I didn't even notice I was sitting next to Maddy. I only noticed it once my spoon got stolen from my cup and seeing it taking a big scoop going to Maddy's mouth.

"Hey! I paid for that!" I almost screamed at him.

"I just wanted to taste." He said smirking, oh I wanted to slap that smirk off of his face.

Before I knew what I did I took a big scoop and threw in in his face.

"Annie!" And he slapped some of his ice cream in his face.

"No, maddy!" I heard Sara go But i didnt know why.

"What?" He asked.

"The flavor its hazelnut." When she said that she looked at me.

My face became pale and Maddy's face was confused. Only Sara knew I was allergic to hazelnuts.

"What's wrong with that?" Maddy asked still very confused.

"Annie is allergic."

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


I opened my eyes in a unfamiliar room. I started moving. It I felt something attached to my arm and a bandage around my head. I looked around and saw Sara.

"Sara, where am I?"

"Well... After Maddy slapped you with that hazelnut ice cream you kinda blacked out and fell with your head on the table. Your head was bleeding a hella lot so we called an ambulance and now you're here in the hospital.

"I..I fell.. Where is Maddy?" I mumbled.

"He is in the waiting room with Andy."

"Go get him, I wanna see him."

"Okay, be right back."

I waited and after a few minutes the door opened. There he was. Standing awkwardly with some flowers in his hands. He walked towards me and gave me the flowers. There was a note it said.

I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

"Annie, I am so so so sorry. If I knew you were allergic I would have never done that. I.. "

"I know Maddy, it's okay." I interrupted him because he looks so sorry.

"Really? Thanks Annie" he said "btw nice jumper you got on" he smirked and that was the moment I realized that he had his jumper on too.

"You..you're wearing it too?" I stated.

"Yes, why wouldn't I? It's comfy and it reminds me of you."


Sorry short chapter.
Ugh I could kill myself that I haven't been active and I'm so sorry guys. I always had people over or I had to go to the doctors and I'm having stress atm and I'm sorry I'm gonna try and give more updates again.

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