Little plan

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Monday morning, how I hate this. This is the day I hate the most, definetly. I mean how can someone enjoy Monday's? You have to wake up early and school starts again, a new week, another five days of hell and it's only the beginning. Yes, it's nice I'm seeing my friends again but then it's not nice I will have to see Elisa again and boy am I dreading that moment. The past year my hatred for her has just grown, mostly because of the way she flirts with Maddy and how she kissed him. One thing I do like is how I can fully use my sarcasm on her and how I can annoy her. Sarcasm and sassiness is something that was just meant to be in my life and I can't live without it anymore.

I woke up even though I didn't sleep much last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Maddy and his sweet words he said for the past days. I love how we are getting closer as well because 2 years ago I wouldn't have even thought he would take me to that pancake place he used to go with his mother to. It kinda gives me a special feeling, like there is a zoo in my tummy. Not the butterflies like all those cheesy books say but my feeling is more like elephants which are running on my heart and lungs which makes me breathless every time I'm near him. How I just wished he felt the same about me, that would never happen, the popular bad boy would never think about that because I'm fat and he's past girlfriends were the skinny bimbo type.

I stood up from my bed after I noticed another ten minutes had past were I was just thinking again. I went to take a quick shower and I put on some clothes, black skinny jeans and a black shirt. I always wear black and 99% of my closet is black as well. I only have like one grey shirt. My friends always laugh about me being so depressing with my black clothes but nope my explanation is that school is the funeral of my happiness so that's my I'm dressed in black.
I had a quick breakfast which consisted of a banana. I took the bus on my way to hell.

My first class today was art, whoop tie doo, how I love art. Sarcasm intended. One good think though is that I'm sitting next to Maddy and Sara so they will make the 2 hours pass quickly. I don't know what it is but I wasn't gifted with drawing skills. I blame my parents who can't draw either. But then you have my parents who can't sing but my voice is okay. I don't get how these thing work.

I was looking outside the bus window when I felt my phone buzz. I looked down and saw I got a message.

Maddy: hey singer, how you doing?x

Annie: doing great wbu? :)

Maddy: I'm good, are you almost at school?x

Annie: yes, why?

Maddy: no reason, see ya in school xx

Should I be worried? The last message made me wonder if he is hiding something. Also because he wrote two kisses at the end instead of one like he always does. I guess I'll have to wait till I'm in school to see what he's hiding.

"You did what?!" I screeched to Maddy.

He told me what he wanted to say and boy I was right I had to worry.

"Annie I just explained you, i don't to the counselor and let her hear you sing. I asked if there was still a spot in the singing competition for you because I want people to hear your voice because it's amazing. I just though it would be fun if we could do this together and we could spend some quality time together."

If I told you I wasn't shocked I would be lying. Nobody has ever done something like this. It was sweet and all but I'm not confident enough to be singing in front of the whole school when I already felt nervous singing for Maddy yesterday.

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