Dont know what came over me

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Hey guys, so sorry it took so long but i have holidays now and im gonna write a few chapters for you ;) hope you enjoy it!

Pic of Maddy on the side.


Annie's P.O.V.

When i looked up from Sara's shoulder i saw Maddy standing there next to Bea. Just seeing them standing there makes me feel so sick like i want to throw up. What does she has that i dont? Like a good body maybe. stupid voice in my head. I should just forget about Maddy because the only thing he did was put my life upside down. He should have never failed his year. Shit i just should have never come to luxembourg. If i hadnt come to luxembourg i would not have all this crap in my life. I would still be happy with jeremy because of this we broke up. But the thing is if i never came here i would have never known Sara, Fleur or Allysa.

I was thinking about what ive already done in all these years in luxembourg. And i made so much new friend i mean new best friends like Sara,Fleur and Allysa. But i also made friends like Peter and Jake.

Peter was one of my best friends like since i came here. He wasnt a tall boy and had really blond hair and very special eyes. While jake is taller and has brown hair. He has a lot of freckels and very warm brown eyes. And i cant forget his day humour.

Since i learned to know Maddy i've spent less time with those 2 boys and i realise i really miss them.

The bell rang and i had to go to art. jeej two full hours next to Maddy, at least i have Sara on the other side of me. How am i going to get through these two hours next to him? Please kill me someone.

Mms Arif explained what we were going to do and i did What she said. Everything went great until Maddy decided to start talking to me, i decided to ignore him.

"So Annie, how are you?" Asked the idiot who broke my heart.

I ignored him and turned me to Sara to ask her something so that Maddy couldnt talk to me.

Maddy's P.O.V.

I was in art class sitting in between Annie and Andy. When miss Arif was done with explaining, i look at Annie for two second because otherwise she would notice. She had a very concentrated face. She looks adoreble. Shit i shouldnt think stuff like that. I dont know Whats happenings to me since i met her last year. Today she was wearing a red skaterskirt with a white tanktop what looked amazing on her because of her curves. You shouldnt be such a pussy and talk to her you idiot. So i did What the voice in my head said.

"So Annie, how are you?" You stupid dipshit, why would you that. Out of all things you could have said you say how are you? Stupid idiot.

She didn't answer me and turned to Sara who was next to her, They started talking and i was hurt and mad. Why is she ignoring me? Anger took me over so without even knowing what i was doing i took her arm and made her look at me. She looked shocked at me and there tears forming in her eyes, it was only then that i noticed how hard i was holding her arm. I let go directly after i saw it.

"Im sorry Annie, i dont know what came over me im so sor..." I couldnt even finish my sententie before she ran out of the classroom. I did the first thing that came to my mind and that was follow her. I dont know why but when i touched her there was a feeling in my whole body that i've never had before. It was like tingels. Now i just want to touch her again but first i need to find her.

It wasnt really that hard because you could hear her cry from miles away.

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