- seven -

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Zach POV

"Zach wake up" I heard someone say. I woke up and Valerie was shaking me. I guess we had landed. I got up we grabbed our stuff and got out of the plane. We met up with my mom, Mari, Rudan, & Nick.


Valerie POV
we were at the hotel. We all decided to play hide-&-seek well Mari, Zach, Nick, Rudan & I since the others were going to get here like at 11pm and it was barely 5pm.

"Ok, Rudan you count" zach said .

"Ok, but y'all are going to have to be in partners so instead I'm going to have to find 2 people at a time instead of 1 ." Rudan said. We all nodded and got in partners. I was with zach and Mari and Nick were together.

"Ok we're do we hide" zach asked me.

"Let's go over there." I said grabbing zachs wrist and we started to walk fast. We got in this place were only employees can be at.

"It's really dark in here" I said.

"I know, " zach said we both laughed.

I could see his blue eyes they were so beautiful. I kept on looking at his eyes I could see him looking at my eyes then at my lips. So I did the same. I looked at his eyes then his lips. We began to lean in until we kissed. I pulled away. I felt something amazing in my stomach I liked it so much. It was awkward until a lady came in the room. I looked at zach. He was blushing. Am I blushing. I grabbed his hand, and we managed to get out of the employee room.

"That was close" I said.

"I know" he said back and we laughed. Until we saw Rudan running to us. I looked at zach and he nodded we started running to the elevator. We got in the elevator and Rudan was about to come in but the doors closed.

"What floor do we go to?" I asked.

"Since we are in the 5th floor go to the 7th floor" I nodded.

I clicked 7th floor and the lights in the elevator turned off.

"Zach?" I said.


"We're are you" I said, I felt someone grab my hand so I also grabbed it I started to go closer and I felt my knee hit something so I touched it and zach laughed.

"Is that your leg?" I asked.

"Yea" he said still laughing, I laughed.

I laid down on his lap.

"Wait, do you have your phone?" I asked

"No, do u?" He said.

"No, I left it in the room" I said.

"Valerie this is a good time to tell you this, I have loved you since we were in 6th grade. Since then I got to know you more and I saw the great person you are. I would love you to be the person there for me when I'm having a bad day and I would like you to be my girlfriend. Valerie will you be my girlfriend?" Zach asked me. I was blushing well my cheeks were really hot. I got up from laying Dow on his lap and kissed him.we pulled away.

"Yes, Zachary Reed Clayton. I would like to be your girlfriend" i said we both laughed and then the lights turned on. We got up, and we held hands the elevator doors opened and we interwind our fingers. We got to my room and Mari was not there so we got in my bed and decided to go live on my laptop since his was in his room.


"Are you guys dating?" Zach read a comment. I looked at him.

"Can you mute the chat?" I said. He muted it.

"So what up babe?" He said I started to blush.

"Stop!" I said smiling.

"What?" Zach said acting innocent.

"Don't tell your supporters were dating. We barely started dating not even 1 hour ago" I said laughing he laughed too. Then unmuted it.

"Why were you blushing?" I read a comment, "who me?" Zach laughed. The I felt someone grab my hand, of course it was zach he was the only one here. I squeezed his hand.
They were telling us to whip & nae nae but I didn't want to so zach did. I was laughing the whole time. Then we decided to end the broadcast.

"Ok guys, I think I'm going to sleep so see y'all tomorrow, I'm going to do a following spree so yea love y'all" he said I waved then he ended the broadcast.

-end of broadcast-

Zach and I were talking when his mom texted him.

"My mom said I had to go." He said with a frown.

"Aww, ok" I said we hugged. Then I pecked his lips.

"Bye babe, love you" he said.

"Love you more" I said.

"Not true" he screamed as he left, I just laughed.

I then went to take a shower and then sleep.


I was about to go to sleep when zach facetimed me. I answered it.

I have a lot of ideas for the next chapters😂. Ok goodbye now I have to make more chapters💞

I love him ♡ z,cWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt