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I'm not making a sequel fucc' that it's too much work😂😂💀


Valerie POV

I was now at home in bed. I got up and went downstairs. I walked outside and saw Zach. He saw me.. Well I'm not sure if he saw me but if he did he turned around when he saw me. I kept walking ...

I finally got to the park. I saw Aubree, she's Rudans 'bestfriend' but they act like a couple. I looked to the right and  saw Imari, timmys 'friend' they also act like a couple. I look to the left and saw Shanna Edwin's 'bestfriend' & I also saw Destiny nicks 'bestfriend' .

They all say there bestfriends but we all know it's a damn lie. Since they act like couples when they are together.

I went to were they were and we all greeted eachother by hugging.


"So what's up with y'all and the boys?" I asked all of them.

"Well me and rudan, kissed" Aubree said blushing.

"Awwww, y'all should date" I said making her blush even more.

"Nick and I, nothing, he just doesn't do anything he hasn't even made a step but it's okay i guess" Destiny said with her head down.

"He's just shy gurrrl, keep your head up that used to be me and Zach" I told her making her smile.

"Edwin and I, also kissed and we are getting into the 'relationship' real fast" Shanna said laughing making all of us laugh also.

"Emerghaud" I said still laughing.

"Timmy and I, already made out e basically already asked me out but we haven't made it public it's low key" Imari said with no shame.

"Ahhhh, goals" I said fangirling with all the other girls


So I was back home after a fun day with the girls. I already took a shower and put comfy clothe on. I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in" I said/screamed.

The door opened revealing a wonderful boy... Zach.

"Babeee" I said smiling.

"I want you to be mine again baby, I know my life style is driving you crazy" zach sang randomly.

He came to lay down with me.


*they are dreaming lol I'm not going to make a dream for them*


I woke up did what I usually do in the mornings.

I was clean and ready for the day.

Zach was still sleeping I got out of his grip which was really hard and got out of bed. Zach was getting a call from Ariel no idc if they talk, I love Zach and I trust him. I ignored the call since Zach was sleeping so why should I answer..who am I kidding I answered the call.. Jk. I grabbed my phone and had 1 text from Leo.

G'morninnn' bestfrannnn😘

No we are not dating or we don't like eachother, he actually has a girlfriend & I have a boyfriend that's not right. We are actually bestfriends. I answered him back.

Hey amigooo g'mmmm lyyy💓

"GoodMorning beautiful creature" I heard Zach say.

"Morning pretty boy" I said back.

I heard him stand up. I heard footsteps coming towards me. After a few footsteps the wonderful Zachary Reed Clayton was standing next to me. I was brushing my teeth.

Comment "hey" if your reading this😂😂😚


I just got done brushing my teeth, showering, changing, doing my hair, & eating.

Zach & I were currently in my bed laying down on our phones.

He grabbed my face and made me face his. I looked at his eyes and instantly smiled, idk his eyes just make me smile. He smiled back. He closed the gap between our lips by attaching our lips together. This kiss just like any other kiss brought butterflies to my stomach. We both pulled away and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. He grabbed my hand .

I wish this could really happen😩

I took my face out of the crook or his neck and went on my phone. I was so bored.

"Babe ?" Zach said.

"Yeah ?" I said confused.

"I love you" he said making a smile reach my face.

"I love you too" I said back.

😩😩 a lot of feelings writing this story
Yass I updated 😂😂💀 sorry 💓 I've been lazy 🌚🌚lol anywhoo ilyg😋😋😚

I love him ♡ z,cWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt